Capitol, not White House, was the Fourth Target
The plane downed in Pennsylvania was actually targeting the U.S. Capitol, not the White House.
The plane downed in Pennsylvania was actually targeting the U.S. Capitol, not the White House.
I was having a conversation recently with someone from work, who said that they thought things were getting much better for gay people in America and they felt that there are no real incidences of homophobia any more. For their benefit, these news headlines from the past week.
Conservative Supreme Court justice ridicules sodomy ruling
Wisconsin assembly passes defense of marriage act
Alabama college removes gay-suggestive photo exhibit
Antigay Baptist school appeals voucher program rejection
Embattled bishop-elect defends his position
Patricia Ireland fired from YWCA for sexual orientation
Lesbian hiker murder trial delayed
Tennessee congressman joins growing call for marriage amendment
Oklahoma gays criticize “ex-gay” summit
Head of Poland’s Catholic Church opposes gay rights
Christian group asks lawmakers to sign pledge opposing gay marriage
Expelled gay student sues Christian school
Tennessee man who strangled gay activist back in court
Connecticut gay beating case settled
Injunction issued against suspect in Boston gay bashing
Israeli gay man denied partner’s inheritance
Quote from
His book is intended to serve as a handbook for how people with liberal opinions (which is most of America, Moore contends, whether they call themselves “liberals” or not) can take back their country from the conservative forces in power. Moore uses his trademark brand of confrontational, exasperated humor skillfully as he offers a primer on how to change the worldview of one’s annoying conservative blowhard brother-in-law, and he crafts a surprisingly thorough “Draft Oprah for President” movement.
Courtesy of Democratic Underground, go read the whole list.
Highlights: This week, Bush wants to ease restrictions on the killing, capturing and importing of endangered species, because apparently he thinks this will increase the populations of endangered species. I’m not sure how that will work, but then I didn’t understand the whole “invade Iraq” logic, either… and gosh, look how well that turned out.
Clear Channel DJs are encouraging people to run cyclists off the road. Scary.
Also, Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin, the man responsible for finding Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden says of George Bush: “Why is this man in the White House? The majority of Americans did not vote for him. He’s in the White House because God put him there for a time such as this.” Double scary.
394 Coalition fatalities, 1916 U.S. Soldiers wounded. Total Fatalities since May 1st (“end of combat”): 200. Total deaths since July 2nd (Pres. Bush announces, “Bring Them On”): 134.
I get some good hate mail every now and then… This is my new favorite. Apparently god’s going to destroy the earth because of little old me. 🙂
your_name: ashley
your_subject: George Bush
your_comment: You stupid fucking bitch. George W. Bush is the only reason you are still alive. FUCK YOU DUMB-ASS. and FUCK THE ACLU. Jesus hating freaks. That is why God will destroy the earth. Idiots like you. Hope you burn in hell.
Bush is the only reason I’m alive? That’s funny, I didn’t remember George being on the surgical team that took out my ruptured appendix. If he had been, I wouldn’t have been on that operating table! 🙂
I posted a graphic about it a while back, but the Washington Post has more: turns out that an in depth study shows that people who have mistaken ideas about what’s going on in the news are overwhelmingly viewers of Faux News.
“People are proceeding from radically different sets of facts, some so different that they’re altogether fiction.”
“Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes and the other guys at Fox have long demonstrated a clearer commitment to changing public policy than to reporting it, and an even clearer commitment to reporting it in such a way as to change it.”
Concerned about the appearance of disarray and feuding within his administration as well as growing resistance to his policies in Iraq, President Bush – living up to his recent declaration that he is in charge – told his top officials to “stop the leaks” to the media, or else.
News of Bush’s order leaked almost immediately.
By now you might be familiar with the concept of “Republican Astroturf” in which the Republican national committee writes a letter and sends it to “captains” all over the country, who are then instructed to send it in to their local papers as though they wrote it themselves. It’s usually easy to catch these, because if you can find one, you can Google a phrase from it and see it show up in local papers websites. The reason it’s so disgusting is because it’s basically a free ad on the part of the Republican party’s agenda.
Now the White House is using soldiers to send pre-written, pro-war letters home to their hometown papers in an effort to spin people in favor of the war. Unfortunately, in many cases, they didn’t get permission from the soldiers to use their names, or even notify them that the letters were being sent. Bad form!
“Rush Limbaugh is telling his fans that part of what they’ve heard about him is true: he’s addicted to painkillers. In a statement on his radio show today, the conservative commentator said he’s “not making any excuses” and takes full responsibility for his problem. He says he’s no role model and refuses to let people think he’s “doing something great here.” Limbaugh says he’s twice checked himself into medical facilities to try to break his dependence on prescription drugs. He says his doctor prescribed the pills years ago after his spinal surgery, and he kept taking them for pain in his lower back and neck.”
Boo hoo! The poor, poor guy. Here’s what he’s had to say about drug abuse by others:
“What this says to me,” he told his listeners that day, “is that too many whites are getting away with drug use. Too many whites are getting away with drug sales. Too many whites are getting away with trafficking in this stuff. The answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail because we’re not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too.”