Have you ever wondered why you can successfully collaborate with another designer in your office? Maybe you share similar ideas, but there’s also a good chance you’re nothing alike.
It's stories like this that make me want to be a ninja, sneaking around third-world countries and putting down the guys who do this sort of thing, and the guys who let them get away with it.
Umm… The Indiana Historical Society can't claim copyright on images in the public domain, kids. I'm gonna have to say "What the… what?" here. The photo was taken in 1936, so the only copyright would lie with the photographer, in my estimation.
Gaiman fans suggest ideas for T-shirt homages to his work. If you want a one-stop destination for choice quotes from his books, here you go. Cool stuff.
It's about time this double standard gets addressed. I routinely opt out of seeing movies where larger men are cast against skinny actresses – I have trouble suspending my disbelief at the idea of Seth Rogan as a romantic lead, and choose to spend my entertainment dollar elsewhere. It's not okay that larger dudes get leading roles where women are expected to be thin.
I must own this. "Neverwas Haul, a self-propelled 3-story Victorian House, made from 75% recycled equipment and materials, returns with new interiors, operating system, and collections from its travels around the world (i.e., oddities of the Jules Verne era including a Camera Obscura, described below). The Haul measures 24 feet long by 24 feet high and 12 feet wide and is built on the base of a 5 th wheel travel trailer."
Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing on Earth Day – 22 April 2009,
we’re asking you to take photographs of the world around you, select
your best one, send it to us, and we'll use them to make a giant mosaic.
If you have to create drafts for twitter… well, then I guess you should you this app, you stupid mutt. In fact, this should probably be required for all twitter users. That would make twitter lots less annoying. But not quite enough to make me go back.
If I were drown 183 times in a single month, I'd pretty much tell you anything you wanted to hear. Although I'd just give up and drown part way through, because why the fuck go on living if this the life you have to lead?
While debt and credit were replacing cold hard cash as the dominant form of global capital, Mark Wagner was doggedly turning forsaken dollar bills into smart and playful collages. In Wagner’s work, George Washington spends his newfound free time rappelling down the Statue of Liberty and strolling across the Brooklyn Bridge.