links for 2010-10-06

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The New New Beetle

Spy photos of the 2012 New Beetle, according to Edmunds Inside Line Straightline blog.

2012 "New" New Beetle
2012 “New” New Beetle
The Original Beetle
The Original Beetle

(more or less, the bodies changed bit over time.)

Phoebe the Great
Phoebe the Great

1998 Beetle (this is Phoebe, of course.)

Interesting – the 2012 looks a bit more like the old beetles than the current line. I’m not sure I like it, once I compare it to Phoebe.

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links for 2010-10-04

  • By latching on to O’Donnell’s growing presence, the Rove-Boehner-McConnell establishment can claim it represents struggling middle-class Tea Partiers rather than Wall Street potentates and corporate titans. O’Donnell’s value is the same as that other useful idiot, Michael Steele, who remains at the Republican National Committee only because he can wave the banner of “diversity” over a virtually all-white party that alternately demonizes African-Americans, Latinos, gays and Muslims.
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links for 2010-10-03

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links for 2010-10-02

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links for 2010-10-01

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