Supreme Court Strikes Down Sodomy Laws

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WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court struck down a ban on gay sex Thursday, ruling that the law was an unconstitutional violation of privacy.

The 6-3 ruling reverses course from a ruling 17 years ago that states could punish homosexuals for what such laws historically called deviant sex.

Laws forbidding homosexual sex, once universal, now are rare. Those on the books are rarely enforced but underpin other kinds of discrimination, lawyers for two Texas men had argued to the court.

The men “are entitled to respect for their private lives,” Kennedy wrote.

The first March on Washington on October 11, 1987 was in protest of the Supreme Court upholding a similar law in Georgia. That was just after I came out, and was the first big gay rights event I went to. I was still in college at Ball State, and it was one of the most cathartic events of my life.

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Top ten queerest straight people

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Via the New York Press: “New York’s 10 queerest straight folk.

As more and more gay men and lesbians strive to become virtually normal—married, house in the suburbs, 2.5 children and wood-paneled station wagon—it’s worth pointing out that heterosexuals possessing queerness probably exhibit more tendencies once thought of as “gay” than many gay people.

10. Rabbi Philip Berg
9. Sam Waksal
8. George Soros
7. Rudy Giuliani
6. Ted Turner
5. Kenneth Cole
4. Robin Byrd
3. Liza Minnelli
2. Victor Calderone
1. Bill Clinton

Their number one pick: Bill Clinton. Don’t ask me.

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Walmart’s “Big Brother” Technology

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Courtesy of my friend Lori, — UPC symbols are being replaced by RFID tracking chips in some items, which will help stores track individual products as they are carried around in the store. Which means that when you decide you don’t want that [item x] and take it out of your cart and set on any old shelf in the store, they’ll be able to find it and put it back where it goes. It’s possible that the technology could be used to track other things, like what you carry into the store with you if the tracker is still on it, but those issues are far in the future.

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