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“Our loyalty is due entirely to the United States. It is due to the President only and exactly to the degree in which he efficiently serves the United States. It is our duty to support him when he serves the United States well. It is our duty to oppose him when he serves it badly.” — T Roosevelt – 1918
“To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.” — Abraham Lincoln

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The Top Ten Conservative Idiots (No. 126)

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For this week, Bush asks for another $87 Billion (three times the amount Bush intends to spend on education this year). Halliburton can’t figure out how to spend that wisely, the FCC throws support to Schwarzenegger. Also, aside from being a poacher on protected game preserves (something I’ve written about here in the past, Ted Nugent is also a dead-beat dad.

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Entertaining Hate Mail I’ve Received

This was posted on Here Is The Big Gay Agenda and I removed it to not give them a pingback and pulled it up to address it separately.

Hate to say it, but your [sic] wrong. If the homosexual community wanted to be left alone then they should have just shut up years ago. People in general dont [sic] hate gays, we hate the fact that gays are trying to force their lifestyle on to everyone else. Sorry, but im [sic] not teaching my children to think this is ok. And if anyone can read the bible and think that homosexuality is ok then they are blinded by their own ignorance. Christians dont hate gays they just know the truth and want to lead gay people away from hell and toward Jesus Christ. Hers [sic] an idea. Take all that money your [sic] wasting on your real agenda and use that for your retirement and insurance, then drop the attitude, come to church, change your lifestyle, and maybe die and go to heaven someday. Sounds better than whining for the rest of your lives.
2006-09-14 08:20:10

Some thoughts:

  1. You’re trying to force your “christian” lifestyle down my throat — “want to lead gay people away from hell and toward Jesus Christ.” i.e. – make me be something I don’t want to be.
  2. I’ve read the bible – including the passages that you claim are about homosexuality — doesn’t say what you think it says.
  3. “all that money your [sic] wasting on your real agenda and use that for your retirement and insurance” — all the money keeps getting taken away because we don’t have marriage rights. See, that’s the problem.
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September 11… The Image I Can’t Forget

What shocked and upset me most on September 11 and the days afterward was the photograph… everyone knows, probably, what one I’m talking about. The photograph of the falling man, the man who jumped to his death from the towers. It ran in the papers only once, and there was very brief video footage on one news channel that showed people jumping and falling from one of the towers. Watching that short film made me throw up; one of the few times I’ve ever vomited when I wasn’t sick or hung over. I immediately blocked the image from my mind. I was horrified that the picture was published in the paper.

Falling Man

Two years later, I can finally think about it. Those images made the tragedy real, and drove home the reality that it wasn’t just glass and steel but human bodies being destroyed. Human lives being lost. And at that time… It was unbearable to see.

Now I’m glad that that Richard Drew was able to take the photo of the falling man. Because it’s a record of what really happened. And it reminds me of what’s important and because it helps to honor his life, and honor the way he chose to die.

It’s also compelling that people are now, two years later, really able to examine the people who jumped from the towers, the one aspect of the tragedy that no one has really been able to face or talk about. Many people still won’t talk about them as “jumpers” but insist to themselves that they fell or were blown from the building. Because acknowledging that they jumped means to put oneself in their shoes, to imagine making that terrible choice. How horrible it must have been, whatever was happening up there, that they chose to die instead by jumping from a great height.

With all the lies the George Bush has told, with the way he has twisted the tragedy of September 11, 2001, used it to consolidate power and manipulate the world, seeing that image again reminded me of what’s true, what’s real, what’s important. It reminds me that these people, too, were Americans, the ones who jumped. And to them, we have some responsibility.

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Onion Headline Says it All…

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Relations break down between U.S. and Them
After decades of antagonism between the two global powers, the U.S. has officially severed relations with Them, Bush administration officials announced Tuesday. “They have refused to comply with the U.S. time and time again,” Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said, following failed 11th-hour negotiations Monday night. “It’s always unfortunate when diplomacy fails, but we could not back down. We have to be ready to fight back, in the name of freedom, against all of Them at once, if necessary.”

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I got your gay reality show right here….

Apparently, Julie Millam from the Montana Family Coalition doesn’t like the “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” show on TV: “To me, that’s not a reality show about gay people. A really good reality show for gay people would be five gay men dying of AIDS.”
No… A REALLY good reality show for gay people would be a video of me flying to Montana to BEAT THE HOLY LIVING CRAP out of Julie Milliam. In fact, it could be a series. Each week I locate one anti-gay bigot and kick the ignorance right out of them on national television. I can guarantee you’d get 25 million gay Americans watching every week.

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