Dude, Where’s My Country?

Dude Where's My Country?
Dude Where’s My Country?
Michael Moore’s new book, Dude, Where’s My Country? is out at Amazon.com now, and if you buy it from my site, I get a kickback, much like Halliburton is getting from the war their pal Bush started in Iraq.

Quote from Amazon.com:

His book is intended to serve as a handbook for how people with liberal opinions (which is most of America, Moore contends, whether they call themselves “liberals” or not) can take back their country from the conservative forces in power. Moore uses his trademark brand of confrontational, exasperated humor skillfully as he offers a primer on how to change the worldview of one’s annoying conservative blowhard brother-in-law, and he crafts a surprisingly thorough “Draft Oprah for President” movement.

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Extreme Pumpkins.com – Pumpkin carving at its wildest!

At what point did the carving of pumpkins turn into a “cute” event? When did boys stop carving pumpkins and moms start? Where did we lose touch with one of the years coolest events?
Today we will seize back this ritual. Today is the day we throw away those safe, cute carving tools. Today. We will buy a big, ugly, pumpkin so large one man cannot lift or move it. Today. We will carve that sumbitch into something ugly and plop it on the front porch. October 31st we will light it brightly enough to give visiting children suntans.

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The Top Ten Conservative Idiots (No. 131)

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Courtesy of Democratic Underground, go read the whole list.
Highlights: This week, Bush wants to ease restrictions on the killing, capturing and importing of endangered species, because apparently he thinks this will increase the populations of endangered species. I’m not sure how that will work, but then I didn’t understand the whole “invade Iraq” logic, either… and gosh, look how well that turned out.
Clear Channel DJs are encouraging people to run cyclists off the road. Scary.
Also, Lt. Gen. William “Jerry” Boykin, the man responsible for finding Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden says of George Bush: “Why is this man in the White House? The majority of Americans did not vote for him. He’s in the White House because God put him there for a time such as this.” Double scary.

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My new favorite hate mail

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I get some good hate mail every now and then… This is my new favorite. Apparently god’s going to destroy the earth because of little old me. 🙂

your_email: hotchic01@hotmail.com
your_name: ashley
your_subject: George Bush
your_comment: You stupid fucking bitch. George W. Bush is the only reason you are still alive. FUCK YOU DUMB-ASS. and FUCK THE ACLU. Jesus hating freaks. That is why God will destroy the earth. Idiots like you. Hope you burn in hell.

Bush is the only reason I’m alive? That’s funny, I didn’t remember George being on the surgical team that took out my ruptured appendix. If he had been, I wouldn’t have been on that operating table! 🙂

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And in-depth article on the ignorant fox news views phenomenon

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I posted a graphic about it a while back, but the Washington Post has more: turns out that an in depth study shows that people who have mistaken ideas about what’s going on in the news are overwhelmingly viewers of Faux News.
“People are proceeding from radically different sets of facts, some so different that they’re altogether fiction.”
“Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes and the other guys at Fox have long demonstrated a clearer commitment to changing public policy than to reporting it, and an even clearer commitment to reporting it in such a way as to change it.”

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No means… well it means no, really.

I knew that sooner or later something about the Kobe Bryant case would send me into an apoplectic rage… and here it is. On Thursday, Gregg Easterbrook of the New Republic wrote a little column about how all men know that no doesn’t really mean that:
Because men know this–because in the real world “no” does not always mean no–speaking the word “no” is not the ideal way to communicate to a man that what is happening has changed from persuasion, or pressure, to compulsion. Men not only want sex, the male mindset holds that overcoming the woman’s “no” is part of manliness.
He goes on to suggest that instead of using the word “no” to mean “no,” that perhaps we should have some other mutually agreed upon signal, such as “this is rape” which would help the man understand that the woman was serious about not wanting his advances.
I have a different suggestion… how about this as a signal: when the woman says “no” and the guy doesn’t seem to understand that it means no, instead of the woman saying “this is rape” how about if she pulls out a gun, and blows the guy’s head off. That would send a pretty clear signal, I think. Or maybe he could just stop when she says “no” in the first place.

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