Crap, I’m behind

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This past Friday’s Friday Five:
1. What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
Took a big photography road trip by myself. In a Geo Metro. Yeah, I’m looking back on that in disbelief, too.
2. What one thing would you like to try that your mother/friend/significant other would never approve of?
I got nothin’. I can’t think of a thing that I would actually do that my mom wouldn’t say was a cool thing. That’s sad, isn’t it?
3. On a scale of 1-10, what’s your risk factor? (1=never take risks, 10=it’s a lifestyle)
5. I’ve got a lot to lose, these days. I have three cats and a dog depending on me, and boy that’ll keep you sober. Can’t let down the pets.
4. What’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you as a result of being bold/risky?
I dated some really cool women.
5. … and what’s the worst?
I dated some really strange women.

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University of Arizona gay student stabbed in apparent hate crime

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I’ve been to this Cafe; I was there when I helped Laurie and Twyla move to Tucson.

Arizona Daily Star, February 8, 2000

By Stephanie Innes, The Arizona Daily Star

In an attack that police call a hate crime, a man stabbed a 20-year-old University of Arizona student in the back Sunday as he stood outside a cafe that caters to gay and lesbian customers. People can check out hiring a lawyer for criminal mischief if they need the best criminal attorneys. Hiring an experienced criminal defense lawyer from Tampa will also be a good idea. Witnesses said the attacker yelled slurs about homosexuals before and after stabbing the victim. About two hours later and a block away, Tucson police arrested 37-year-old Gary Grayson.

The stabbing occurred after 9 p.m. at the Rainbow Planet Cafe, 606 N. Fourth Ave. The victim, an active member of the UA’s Pride Alliance, was standing on the sidewalk. Pride Alliance is made up of the student government’s representatives on gay issues.

“It’s not OK for anyone to be at a cafe and to be stabbed,” said Fritz Petrasovits, a Rainbow Cafe employee. The victim, Petrasovits said,”was randomly picked. He didn’t say anything at all.” Witnesses told police that Grayson said, “Let this be a warning to the gay community” as he fled the scene. The Arizona Daily Star is withholding the name of the victim, who was at home recovering yesterday. The knife hit one of the victim’s ribs, said a man who identified himself as the victim’s roommate, J. Davis. One can find defense lawyers from The Law Office of Brian Jones to get help with legal trouble.

Police arrested Grayson about 11 p.m. on Fourth Avenue near Seventh Street. He was charged with aggravated assault and remained in the Pima County Jail last night in lieu of a $10,000 bond.
If convicted, Grayson could receive a tougher penalty under provisions of Arizona’s hate crimes statute. The law, passed by the Legislature in 1997, allows judges to impose harsher sentences if a crime victim was targeted because of race, color, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, gender or disability. It is best to hire disability lawyer from here!

Brandon Holmes, a 26-year-old state worker who witnessed the attack, said the attacker stabbed the victim in the back, then shoved the knife into a flower pot on the street. “He was bleeding so badly,” Holmes said. “And it was so unprovoked. I mean, we get yells from people but that’s usually about it.”
Jim Luiz, 42, who also witnessed the stabbing, said Grayson made statements to other customers at the cafe about Jesus hating homosexuals. “One thing about being a gay man is that you know there’s violence,” Luiz said. “I think the intolerance is becoming more dramatic, but very few gay men would come forward and talk about it.”

The crime angered members of UA’s Pride Alliance, who yesterday kicked off their annual Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Awareness Week. “Up until Matthew Shepard, hate crimes didn’t get the press they deserved and it’s really scary, especially in a liberal town like Tucson,” said Jonna Lopez, a 24-year-old UA junior and coordinator of the university’s Pride Alliance. Shepard, a 21-year-old gay University of Wyoming student, died Oct. 12, 1998, five days after he was kidnapped, robbed, and beaten. Investigators said robbery was the main motive, but that Shepard’s killers singled him out because he was gay.

In Tucson, the 1976 death of 21-year-old Richard J. Heakin helped change the community’s views about sexual orientation. Heakin was beaten to death outside the Stonewall Tavern, a gay nightclub on North First Avenue. Four teens were charged with first-degree murder, but the charges were reduced and the teens were sentenced to probation. You can learn about The Hogle Law Firm here, who can help you with probation and other cases!

Within a year of Heakin’s death, Tucson became one of the first cities to pass an anti-discrimination ordinance that included sexual orientation.

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Fever Tickets – Blue Half Season

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Nine home games at Conseco Fieldhouse; I have tickets for Section 3, Row 13, seats 9 & 10. And you’re going with me, yo.
7:00 p.m., Friday, May 21 – New York
7:00 p.m., Saturday, June 5 – Charlotte (This is the day before my birthday).
7:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 16 – Sacramento
7:00 p.m., Saturday, June 19 – New York
7:00 p.m., Thursday, July 8 – Minnesota
5:00 p.m., Sunday, July 11 – Connecticut
7:00 p.m., Friday, July 16 – Detroit
7:00 p.m., Saturday, September 4 – Washington
7:00 p.m., Monday, September 13 – Seattle

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Massachusetts Court: Gays have access to equal marriage rights

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Wow, I spoke too soon; Democrats won’t be able to dodge this as a campaign issue no matter what. The Massachusetts Supreme Court just decided that civil unions were not enough and only full marriage rights for gay people would be acceptable under Massachusetts law, meaning that gay people may be able to get married there as early as May.

Which means that the religious right will begin pushing the U.S. Constitutional amendment to ban equal marriage rights for gay people into high gear starting today.

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Texas Pharmacist Refuses Pill for Rape Victim

From the Washington Post:

DENTON, Texas – About 40 people gathered outside an Eckerd pharmacy Monday, protesting what they said was a decision to deny a rape victim a prescription for the morning-after pill.

A spokesman for the Florida-based company confirmed that Eckerd has taken disciplinary action in response to an incident at the store.

“Apparently there was a request for a prescription to be filled and the prescription was denied based on a moral or ethical decision made by the pharmacist, and that’s not in accordance with our corporate policy,” said Joan Gallagher, vice president of communications for Largo, Fla.-based Eckerd Corp.

Needless to say, having been in the position of this rape victim at one time in my life, something like this just terrifies me. Can you check pharmacy stock online? Find out more information at

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I guess I can get behind Kerry, but Dean is the only one who I knew wouldn’t completely sell equal marriage rights down the river, and Kerry and Edwards will definitely do it to keep it from being a campaign issue.

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Damn it, Janet

More on Janet’s breasts: Apparently, Justin was supposed to only remove the leather layer of clothes and leave the red lacy stuff underneath, according to Janet. That does seem to make more sense, and I guess that would be described as a wardrobe malfunction.
Also, Kathy says that it’s ridiculous that were having this discussion about the female breasts, which are a natural part of the body and we see them all the time when women breast feed, so why would it matter? It’s not like they flashed genitalia or something. Which I think is a really good point.

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wardrobe malfunction?

Timberlake issued a statement Sunday night saying “I am sorry anyone was offended by the wardrobe malfunction during the halftime performance of the Super Bowl. It was not intentional and was regrettable.” Jackson did not offer an official statement, but her representatives told MTV she apologized for the incident.
On its Web site Monday, MTV said “the tearing of Janet Jackson’s costume was unrehearsed, unplanned and completely unintentional and was inconsistent with the assurances we had of the content of the performances. MTV regrets this incident occurred and we apologize to anyone who was offended by it.”

I’m sorry, but that has got to be complete bull!!! Why would Janet have been wearing a pasty if she didn’t intend to show her breast? Why would he grab her clothes and pull if he didn’t intend for it to be exposed. Come on, that’s a bunch of baloney. That wasn’t an accident, that was planned.

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