Fridays are just too busy

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To do The Friday Five. Mondays are a way more appropriate day. Screw alliteration.
1. What was the last song you heard?
“Wanted Man” by Johnny Cash, because it’s one of the songs that the band is going play at my house on Saturday. The band has officially named itself, by the way — “Susan May Kill You.” This is funny because we have a co-worker named Susan May. And she’s probably the least likely person to kill you.
2. What were the last two movies you saw?
“Starsky and Hutch” in the theater on Saturday night, “A Mighty Wind” on TV Sunday afternoon. I also saw “Catch Me If You Can” and “Igby Goes Down” this weekend. Hmmm. That’s a lot of movie watching when I’m supposed to be cleaning house.
3. What were the last three things you purchased?
Picture frames, cat treats, crackers.
4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?
Well, if we’re talking this past weekend, clean house, plan the menu, have the band over to practice.
5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
Emily at IHPC, Jason at Health & Hospital (neighborhood related stuff), Brian, my boss, Mike my co-worker, Kathy on the phone.

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Here’s the thing about Bush….

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I truly believe that George Bush knows where Osama bin Laden is, has known since 9/11/2001, and intends to “find” him at exactly the opportune moment prior to the election to boost his poll ratings. And I can promise you that if it happens exactly as I’m predicting, I will seriously think, once again, about leaving the country. Along with my new leather chair.

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Bush Flip-Flops

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Courtesy of a big list of Bush Flip-Flops since he’s so busy accusing Kerry of changing his mind. Billmon is a great place for getting comparison quotes from various White House members on what they said back then, versus what they’re saying now.

Bush is against campaign finance reform; then he’s for it.
Bush is against a Homeland Security Department; then he’s for it.
Bush is against a 9/11 commission; then he’s for it.
Bush is against an Iraq WMD investigation; then he’s for it.
Bush is against nation building; then he’s for it.
Bush is against deficits; then he’s for them.
Bush is for free trade; then he’s for tariffs on steel; then he’s against them again.
Bush is against the U.S. taking a role in the Israeli Palestinian conflict; then he pushes for a “road map” and a Palestinian State.
Bush is for states right to decide on gay marriage, then he is for changing the constitution.
Bush first says he’ll provide money for first responders (fire, police, emergency), then he doesn’t.
Bush first says that ‘help is on the way’ to the military … then he cuts benefits
Bush-“The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. Bush-“I don’t know where he is. I have no idea and I really don’t care.
Bush claims to be in favor of the environment and then secretly starts drilling on Padre Island.
Bush talks about helping education and increases mandates while cutting funding.
Bush first says the U.S. won’t negotiate with North Korea. Now he will
Bush goes to Bob Jones University. Then say’s he shouldn’t have.
Bush said he would demand a U.N. Security Council vote on whether to sanction military action against Iraq. Later Bush announced he would not call for a vote
Bush said the “mission accomplished” banner was put up by the sailors.� Bush later admits it was his advance team.
Bush was for fingerprinting and photographing Mexicans who enter the US. Bush after meeting with Pres. Fox, he’s against it.

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Questions from the end of Inside the Actor’s Studio

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Rachel passed these along:
01. What is your favorite word?
Knickerbocker. And it has nothing to the sports team. I think it has something to do with the fact that my childhood teddybear was made by the Knickerbocker Toy Company.
02. What is your least favorite word?
Spackle. Panties. Belly.
03. What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
Beauty, truth.
04. What turns you off?
Deception. Banality. Self-centeredness. Greed.
05. What is your favorite curse word?
06. What sound or noise do you love?
Church bells.
07. What sound or noise do you hate?
08. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Librarian, followed closely by toy inventor.
09. What profession would you not like to do?
Septic system cleaner. Sewer repair guy.
10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Come in, here’s the library….

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late again

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With The Friday Five. Sigh.
What was…
1. …your first grade teacher’s name?
Mrs. Forsythe was my kindergarten teacher. I don’t remember my first, second or third grade teachers, but my fourth grade teacher was Mrs. Wilson, and my fifth grade teacher was Miss Verban, who was young, single, and really, really pretty.
2. …your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?
The Secrets of Isis. An archaeologist gains an amulet that lets her turn into the superheroine goddess Isis and fight evil. Also, ElectraWoman and Dynagirl and Wonder Woman. Can’t tell where I got my superhero fantasies at all, can we?
3. …the name of your very first best friend?
Kay Kaufmann and Sheri Castle; they lived on either side of us on Belmont Street.
4. …your favorite breakfast cereal?
Peanut Butter Captain Crunch. Unfortunately my mom was much too responsible and never bought sugary unhealthy cereals for us, so we had to wait to go to Grandma’s because she bought us whatever we wanted.
5. …your favorite thing to do after school?
Read. Duh.

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