DJ Shiva wrote an excellent blog post on Obama’s decision to pick Rick Warren to do the inaugural invocation, which I’m just going to quote the whole thing of, since it’s awesome. But go read her blog regularly; it’s good.
fuck you, obama.
i was gonna write a long-winded piece about how hard gays and lesbians worked on your campaign, and how we were already smarting from the clinton administration pissing on us the last time around only to feel the hit again from the results of prop 8. i was gonna write about how inviting a guy who compares our love and relationships to fucking PEDOPHILIA to start your presidency off makes me want to fucking scream and cry and throw shit.
i was gonna write about the fact that it’s one thing to know someone who talks a lot of shit, but it’s quite another to invite them to stand at the door of our nation and claim to speak for the spirit of our country. i was gonna write that we are a part of that “main street” you keep talking about. i was gonna write a lot of things.
but right now, all i can say is that i don’t like you very much. and while i hope you can make something good happen for our economy, and get us out of iraq, and all the other things that were reasons for our votes, i feel like i have been punched in the gut. i feel like my life has been spit upon.
and i feel like no matter how much you want to claim to be an ally of the gay community (your unwillingness to stand up for gay marriage already made that alliance a shaky one at best), that you really do not get it. it’s like inviting goebbels to a bartmizvah and claiming you really care about jewish people. it’s bullshit, and it doesn’t fucking wash.
i have never been one to hope for ANYTHING from a politician, but for some fucked up reason, i trusted you. not further than i could throw you, but still…for me, even a little trust of a politician is a big fucking leap of faith.
and once again, i find that hope, in a country whose very origins and success were based on the subjugation of human rights, is as empty as a poor man’s wallet.
thanks for the reminder, obama. i won’t make the same mistake again.
i coulda said a lot of things, but the one thing i want to keep saying is:
fuck you, barack obama.