Ohio’s Marriage Discrimination Amendment

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Salon Magazine has an article on Ohio’s anti-marriage equality amendment, which will be on Nov. 3rds. The measure goes beyond simply disallowing same-sex marriage arrangements, and potentially invalidates all legal agreements between a same-sex couple, including child custody agreements, wills, and power of attorney. Ten other states — Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon and Utah — are also voting on amendments like this.

What’s most frightening is that churches are, illegally, actively involved in promoting this anti-gay amendment. Read especially the section of the article on gay professionals who are planning on moving out of the state if the amendment is passed. My family tends to react as though I’m crazy when I talk about moving to Canada, but I’m clearly not the only one.

While the first sentence simply decrees that marriage is between a man and a woman, the second says, “This state and its political subdivisions shall not create or recognize a legal status for relationships of unmarried individuals that intends to approximate the design, qualities, significance or effect of marriage.”

Like many gay couples, Reeves and Mamlin have a whole raft of documents designed to “approximate” marriage, and they have no way of knowing which ones the courts will decide that Ohio can’t “recognize.” Will agreements that allow them to visit each other in the hospital still be valid? Will their wills?

Many of the amendments being voted on in November raise similar questions. Georgia’s, for example, strips courts of the ability to hear cases arising from same-sex partnerships. Lawyers say that could render even private contracts between couples — things like power of attorney and property-sharing agreements — unenforceable.

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Voter Fraud should be more important than Mary Cheney

Despite the fact that the allegations of voter fraud by the Republican party are exploding around the country, the media and the Republicans are still making the hot story Kerry’s mention of Mary Cheney.

Dick Cheney and the Republican party are still having fits that Kerry discussed Dick’s “openly gay for 10 years” daughter who has worked as a gay community advocate. Head over to MSNBC and tell then there was nothing wrong with Kerry bringing it up in the debate.

UPDATE: Tell CNN that, too.

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Mary Cheney

Because Kerry once again won the debate last night, the only thing the Republicans have to hammer him on is his reference to Mary Cheney as being a lesbian. Apparently, they’re all wigging out about this, for some strange reason, as though mentioning it were a bad thing, or some big secret.

WHAT KERRY SAID: “And I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney’s daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she’s being who she was, she’s being who she was born as.”

LYNNE CHENEY AT POST-DEBATE RALLY: “The only thing I could conclude is that this is not a good man. This is not a good man. And, of course, I’m speaking as a mom. And a pretty indignant one. This is not a good man. What a cheap and tawdry political trick.”

DICK CHENEY TO NBC AFFILIATE WHO: “I would have said Sen. Kerry was out of line to bring my daughter into it. I thought it was totally inappropriate.”

WTF???!!!! Seriously, what the fuck? Mary Cheney is a 30+ year old woman who’s been out of the closet for years upon years, and who has held down jobs as a gay advocate. Why would anyone care if she were brought up, unless they were a total bigot? Of course she’s relevant. Of course, she’s the obvious person to talk about, being the closest gay person to the presidential election. Why the hell wouldn’t he bring her up?

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One of my favorite things about the really stellar website Television Without Pity is that most shows have a HoYay forum.

It’s fun reading what the recappers thought of my favorite shows, but it’s even more fun reading what other gay people think of my favorite shows.

Especially when people in the forums link to pictures like this.
I’m not even a gay boy and that picture made me say “damn!”

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Alan Keyes’ Daughter Is Outed

Remember Alan Keyes, the homophobic senate candidate from Illinois, who said during the RNC that Mary Cheney was a “Selfish Hedonist” and gave a long diatribe on how gay people are evil?

Well.. his daughter Maya Keyes is an out lesbian with a website. Of course, she got scared and took it down when he went public with his campaign, but the people who had discovered it have recreated parts of it.

Alan Keyes ran for president in 2008, and his daughter is now an out and proud activist.

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Jimmy Swaggart, you’re a wuss

Jimmy Swaggart thinks he’s some sort of bad ass, threatening to kill a gay man: “In the broadcast, Swaggart was discussing his opposition to gay marriage when he said, “I’ve never seen a man in my life I wanted to marry. And I’m going to be blunt and plain: If one ever looks at me like that, I’m going to kill him and tell God he died.”

  • First: No gay may would ever look at Jimmy Swaggart romantically– have you seen him? Fugly Fugly fugly.
  • Second: Before Jimmy got a chance to kill a gay man, I’d kill Jimmy first.
  • Third: I wouldn’t have to kill Jimmy first, because in a fight between Jimmy Swaggart and any gay man, the gay man would obliterate Jimmy.
  • Fourth: I really want to kick Jimmy’s ass just on general principle.
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Republican Alan Keyes calls Dick Cheney’s Daughter a “Selfish Hedonist”

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In case you missed all the really great fun, During an interview with Michelangelo Signorile at the Republican National Convention on Monday, carpetbagger Republican candidate Alan Keyes, who is running for office in Illinois against media darling Barack Obama, was asked about Mary Cheney, Dick Cheney’s lesbian daughter. What he answered is causing a firestorm both within the convention and in the media. Here’s what he had to say:

Signorile: “I am speaking with Alan Keyes, and you’ve come to the Republican convention to support President Bush I presume”

Keyes: “Oh certainly, I think that President Bush needs to be reelected for the sake of this countries security, he has provided that kind of leadership that we are going to have to have if we are going to confront and defeat the challenge of terrorism that has already claimed so many American lives”

Signorile: “What did you think of Vice President Cheney last week coming out and saying he doesn’t agree with the President on the federal marriage amendment, seems to be a break with the party, do you think he is sending a mixed signal?”

Keyes: “I don’t know, I think he is entitled to his personal convictions, but I think that the party’s position is the correct one. We have to stand in defense of the traditional marriage institution in order to preserve its basis in procreation and make sure that we retain an understanding of family life that is rooted in the tradition of procreation, of child bearing and child rearing now in the essence of family life.”

Signorile: “Now, Vice President Cheney, of course, has a daughter. She is gay. He used the word gay. He says he has a gay daughter, he seems very proud of his gay daughter. It seems like real family values and certainly seems like preserving the American family. Is his family un-American?”

Keyes: “No, the point of the matter is that marriage as an institution involves procreation. It is in principle impossible for homosexuals to procreate, therefore they cannot marry. It is a simple logical syllogism and one can wish all one might, but pigs don’t fly and we can’t change the course of nature.”

Signorile: “One can wish that Bob and Liddy Dole would have a child but that’s just impossible.”

Keyes: “Pigs can’t fly. That is incidental and point of fact Bob and Liddy Dole can have children. They incidentally face problems that prevent them from doing so. In principle…”

Signorile: “Don’t homosexuals incidentally face problems too?”

Keyes: “No, you don’t understand the difference between incident and essence. Homosexuals are essentially incapable of procreation. They cannot mate. They are not made to do so. Therefore the idea of marriage for two such individuals is an absurdity”

Signorile: “But one or the other in the couple can procreate?”

Keyes: “No the men can donate their sperm, the women can have babies. The definition of understanding of marriage is that two become one flesh. In the child, the two transcend their persons and unite together to become a new individual. That can only be done through procreation and conception.”

Signorile: “But what about a heterosexual couple who cannot bear children and then adopt. They are not becoming one as flesh, they are taking someone else’s flesh.”

Keyes: “They are adopting the paradigm of family life. But the essence of that family life remains procreation. If we embrace homosexuality as a proper basis for marriage, we are saying that it is possible to have a marriage state that in principle excludes procreation and is based simply on the premise of selfish hedonism. This is unacceptable.”

Signorile: “So Mary Cheney is a selfish hedonist, is that it?”

Keyes: “Of course she is. That goes by definition. Of course she is.”

Signorile: “I don’t think Dick Cheney would like to hear that about his daughter.”

Keyes: “He may or may not like to hear the truth, but it can be spoken.”

Signorile: “Do you really believe that Mary Cheney…”

Keyes: “By definition. A homosexual engages in the exchange of mutual pleasure. I actually object to the notion that we call it sexual relations because it is nothing of the kind.”

Signorile: “What is it?”

Keyes: “It is the mutual pursuit of pleasure through the stimulation of the organs intended for procreation, but it has nothing to do with sexuality because they are of the same sex. And with respect to them, the sexual difference does not exist there, and therefore are not having sexual relations.

Signorile: “Mr. Keyes, then how can you support President Bush then, because if something were to happen to him the President would be Dick Cheney, who has a daughter who you say is a hedonist, and a selfish hedonist, and the President would be supporting that at that point?”

Keyes: “It seems to me that we are supporting a ticket that is committed to the kinds of things that are necessary to defend this country and we are all united in that support in spite of what might be differences on issues here and there.”

Signorile: “Thank you for speaking with us.”

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Bigotry and anti-gay hate at the Republican National Convention

Pastor Donnie McClurkin will be performing at the Republican National Convention. Among other things, McClurkin thinks homosexuality is a “curse,” that it’s caused by men raping small children, that being gay is a choice, that it can be cured, and most explosively, that gays are trying to “kill our children.”
He’s come to those conclusions through his personal experience. He was molested by an uncle as a child, and believes his homosexual feelings came as a result of that.
While I’m sorry about what happened to McClurkin as a child, he’s blaming the wrong people. Homosexuality is not caused by being molested as a child. I was not molested, and neither were the vast majority of gay people. And most molested children do not turn out to be gay. Most gay people are not in the least interested in children. Most child molesters molest children of the opposite sex. Almost all children who are molested, nearly 90% are girls molested by adult men.
The numbers just don’t support what he’s saying here.
And if we truly want to get serious about children being molested, we need to looking at adult heterosexual males.

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“Boycott for Equality” and “Shut It Down”

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Boycott for Equality is calling for gay and lesbian people to drop out of the United States economy on October 8th to demonstrate that we are vital and important members of our communities with significant economic presence. There are three elements to the boycott: No Work, No Purchases and No Cell Phones.

In New York, the people from Shut It Down are calling on New Yorkers to make life difficult for Republican convention goers on September 1 by calling in sick to work, especially for cast members of Broadway shows, and people in service industries like restaurant and retail sales.

Shut it down has a great logo:

Shut It Down Logo

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Salon Article: Republicans Adjust Strategy to Target Gay Marriage

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Because of the erosion of support from independents and from moderate Republicans, Salon reports that Karl Rove’s new strategy is to energize evangelical Christians for the election. His choice of tool: The anti-gay marriage amendment. so they’re coming after me, y’all.

The White House’s strategy for winning the votes of evangelicals has several components. It includes the faith-based initiative to spread public money to religious charities. And it includes controversial moves such as the recess judicial appointment of a fundamentalist Roman Catholic, William Pryor, to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals after Democrats had blocked his nomination. Pryor is the former Alabama attorney general and strongly antiabortion. (This conflict generated the bizarre spectacle of conservative Protestant Republicans attacking liberal Catholic Democrats on the Judiciary Committee for somehow discriminating against Pryor because he’s Catholic.) But the centerpiece of the Republican strategy is the proposed constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.

The amendment is the kind of wedge social issue that Republicans have exploited profitably in the past, and Rove appears to have made careful political calculations. Although the amendment has infuriated many — if not most — of the estimated 1 million gay Republicans who voted for Bush in 2000, the insult is not expected to significantly damage Bush at the polls. Gay Republicans are too scattered geographically to be a factor in the 19 battleground states, and they mostly live in East Coast and West Coast states that are likely to end up in Kerry’s column anyway. Moderate Republicans aren’t happy with the emphasis on this divisive social issue, but if they abandon Bush, it’s more likely to be over the conduct of the Iraq war and record budget deficits.

Whether the amendment will have its intended effect of spurring large numbers of evangelicals to the polls in key swing states is uncertain. The strategy “is smartly developed,” political scientist Green says. “But how well it’s going remains to be seen. It’s just not clear that it’s going to come together.”

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