Our friend Judy’s Obituary
Our friend from knitting class, Judy Morris, died on April 2nd after a long battle with cancer. She was a warm, sweet, funny person and a very talented knitter.
Here Judy is modeling a sweater she just finished, along with a Santa she made in a photo I took in December.
Her Obituary from the Indianapolis Star:
Judith Ann Morris 53, Speedway, passed away on Friday, April 2, 2010 after a long courageous battle against cancer. A graduate of Speedway High School, she attended Butler University and St. Mary of the Woods. She was a self-employed bookkeeper and tax preparer. She cherished time spent with family and friends, especially in Alabama and Florida. She loved pets, knitting, music, and motor sports, especially the Indy 500 which she attended 38 times. She was preceded in death by her parents, James H. and Helen M. (Huber) Morris. She is survived by her sister, Kathy Morris, of Naples Florida; a brother, David (Joy) Morris, of Mobile, Alabama; nieces, Hannah, Monica, and Jessica; aunts, Marjorie Morris, and Rosemary Huber; uncle, Kenneth Huber; several cousins; and her cherished cat, Mr. Danny-Doodle. Memorials can be made in Judy’s memory to the Embrace Program at Wishard Hospital, or the Abbie Hunt Bryce Home of Indianapolis. A memorial mass will be held at a later date. “Do not grieve for me, but live every day to the fullest and cherish one another.”
links for 2010-04-09
Um… a… strange photos. yeah
Guys – if you cheat on your fiancee, she gets to keep the ring. Sorry, that's always been the rule, and it always will be, until they stop the idiot practice of engagement rings altogether. May that day come soon.
An excellent counter-point to prudish argument that Erykah Badu's video is inappropriate because children would "find nudity disturbing." Far from it.
“A one-legged Coots is better than no Coots at all.” I wish my obituary would turn out this colorful.
a Jewish Photographer who documented Eastern European Jewish life before WWII – and how he consciously defined his work to influence how we think about that culture and in the process hid away some of his best work.
No. Really? I can't imagine why.
Chicago has "the most extensive and sophisticated video surveillance system in the United States" and all cameras are linked together. No wonder I'm so ill at ease in that city.
8 pages of article on Lady GaGa. You'll probably read the whole thing.
links for 2010-04-01
Miss Peyton has conducted extensive research into the origins of beer for a new book, and discovered to her surprise that a woman's touch was found on beer throughout the ages. Nearly 7,000 years ago in Mesopotamia and Sumeria, so important were their skills that they were the only ones allowed to brew the drink or run any taverns. And in almost all ancient societies beer was also then considered to be a gift from a goddess, never a male God.
Big burly guys like to knit, too. They also find it to be zen.
Super Swirl Scarf Pattern

This is a pattern that was handed out free at Mass Ave. Knit Shop. I took a photo because the print copies were all gone.
Three balls of cotton (300 yards or so).
Needles: Size 7 or 8
Cast on 22 stitches.
Row 1: Knit
Row 2: K 8, turn and knit back.
Row 3: K 6, turn and knit back.
Row 4: K 4, turn and knit back.
Repeat 4 rows to desired length, ending with Row 4. Bind Off.
links for 2010-02-24
Converts your styles to inline ones for email purposes. Neato.
Not sure if you'll be able to see this furm discussion unless you're already a ravelry member, but it's a real hoot – someone wants a pattern to knit a life-size giraffe. I am so on board with this.
February Blahs
Seasonal Affective Disorder has hit me full in the face in the last several weeks, and sadly, my 365 project is a casualty. Between a number or projects at work and the weather, I can’t seem to get photos processed and online. I’m actually not far behind on taking the pictures, but my enthusiasm for editing is out the window. I’m hoping it comes back once spring starts to come into the picture.
On the other hand, you know what I am keeping up with? You know exactly what I’m going to say here, right? Yep. In the past nine months I’ve finished: four scarves, two hats, a large pillow, and a pair of leg warmers. I have in progress (with significant amounts of work finished): a sweater, a baby blanket, and three more scarves. And I have some sampler squares for practice that will eventually be an afghan. I’m rocking on the knitting, which seems to be an antidote to the SAD. And far from stressing me out or feeling like an obligation, it’s actually fun.
So I am accomplishing something, even if it’s just decompressing in a brightly colored, snuggly warm way. What could be wrong with that? Nothing, I say! Nothing at all! Pay no attention to that cynical voice behind the curtain! Knitting is awesome. Now if I could just find some murders to solve, I’d rocking the Miss Marple homage big time.
links for 2010-01-29
Bookmarking because I needed this: "Create a twisted drop stitch: Insert needle into the stitch as if to knit. Instead of wrapping the yarn around the back needle to create a regular knit stitch, wrap yarn around both needles and then wrap around the back needle. Complete stitch as you would normally."
Sadly, they missed the most important one – the slow learners who don't know how to hide Farmville or block invites, and instead bitch about how many Farmvile updates they get. Oh, wait, the author is one of those idiots.
Evan Bayh is in for the shock of his political life during his next political primary.
"Rudy Giuliani took to the airwaves this morning pounding on Obama for not using the word "terrorism" and for not mentioning the Flight 253 incident in his SOTU — except, well, Obama did in both instances." – Someone needs to start suing media personalities for these kinds of outright lies. This sort of crap shouldn't stand.
He was a really good guy.