I Love Television

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There are tons of people I know who say things like “I never watch TV.” I’m not one of those. I watch TV. A lot. Usually while doing other things, like laundry, reading, working on the house… but I watch TV. I love TV. Well, the good shows, anyway. Because of the harsh winter this year, I’ve been watching a lot of the WISH-TV’s Local Weather Service, which is 24 hour channel of local weather. This is much cooler than the weather channel because I don’t have to hear about what the weather is like in California, or Texas. It’s all about Indianapolis, all the time. I’ve also been tuning into the morning news to get the weather report, which I never did before. Mostly the local news is pretty lame.

Before I started watching all the weather, I was watching practically every home improvement show on cable TV. For a while there, HGTV was on at my house all day Saturdays and Sundays. But lately I’ve started getting a bit irritated at these shows, because they never seem to have the small niggling problems & screw-ups that I have when doing home improvement projects. And they can do the same thing I’m doing in about 1/4 the time it takes me, which is really a pain. And they never have to figure shit out, either. That’s really annoying.

So, anyway, if you like TV as much as I do, you might like this website: Teevee.org. It’s regular people who write reviews of their favorite TV shows, and of TV viewing in general. It’s much fun.