Wow. What a douche bag. God.
Best quote: "Framing women's desire for various things — usually, things that are imposed on them by society in the first place — in terms of what they'd sacrifice in order to achieve them just reinforces the idea that a woman's life is all about self-denial and various forms of starvation. I know pollsters aren't actually making women sacrifice sex or chocolate or — God forbid — shopping, but all these surveys just make existence sound like a zero-sum game." — Thank you!
Conservatives try to redefine the word gay to erase the entire concept of sexual orientation. I expect to disappear from the earth in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…
"[John] said, 'Women are just fundamentally not funny,'" she recalled. "He felt as though it was his duty to sabotage pieces that were written by women."
"You cannot have a claim to a democracy if half the population is silenced." – Sec. of State Hillary Clinton on the deplorable treatment of women in the Middle East and North Africa.