Grassroots Organizing Against SJR-7

I attended a summit this evening of a bunch of different organizations and groups that are opposing SJR-7, along with a bunch of individuals – it was a group of around 30 people, all of whom are active in working on gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered issues at one level or another in Indiana. The group was pulled together by Bil Browning, who is president of IAN, and who owns the blog. It was a pretty unique gathering of people all in one room, including people who in the past have not always seen eye to eye about strategy and organizing, which was really great to see.
The idea was mainly to come together and discuss what people are doing, what can be done in the future, and how to coordinate efforts, and there was a lot of great discussion and planning, which I hope will make a big difference over the next six weeks, before SJR-7 goes through the house.
I got a chance to talk to some of the local members of PFLAG – Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, which I’ve never really done before. Very nice folks, and it occurred to me that several people I know might fit into both that category and that organization very well.