To compile these year-end lists and graphs, Google reviewed a variety of the most popular search terms that people typed into Google.
Reality check: 95 percent of Americans had premarital sex – CNN.com
More than nine out of 10 Americans, men and women alike, have had premarital sex, according to a new study. The high rates extend even to women born in the 1940s, challenging perceptions that people were more chaste in the past.
Dan Savage seens up the witch hunt going on at Haggard’s church to out closeted homosexuals.
“She ought to be careful because I’ll send one of my friends to pick up her girlfriend and I think it would be very easy.” This is the standard homophobic attack on lesbians – I can “convert” your girlfriend because women aren’t really gay anyway. Fuck yo
Best. Oxymoronic. Headline. Ever. Opposition to gay marriage is discrimination against gay people.