Mel Gibson is a Total Nutjob

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Holy crap. What a fucking moron.

Gibson’s theology, writes Christopher Noxon in the New York Times, “is a strain of Catholicism rooted in the dictates of a 16th-century papal council and nurtured by a splinter group of conspiracy-minded Catholics, mystics, monarchists and disaffected conservatives — including a seminary dropout and rabble-rousing theologist who also happens to be Mel Gibson’s father.”

In the 1992 El Pais interview, Gibson said that “For 1,950 years [the church] does one thing and then in the 60s, all of a sudden they turn everything inside out and begin to do strange things that go against the rules.

“Everything that had been heresy is no longer heresy, according to the [new] rules. We [Catholics] are being cheated. … The church has stopped being critical. It has relaxed. I don’t believe them, and I have no intention of following their trends. It’s the church that has abandoned me, not me who has abandoned it,” he said.

I will never see any of his movies again.

(2014 Update: And I haven’t, either.)