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A Commonplacebook Candidate Endorsements

These are Marion County, Indiana Democratic candidates who have shown strong stances and leadership on progressive issues including improving education, finding health care solutions for all Hoosiers, property tax reform and equality for GLBT citizens.

I’ve personally shaken hands with all of these candidates at one time or another and discussed issues with them. I met with Russel Brown, Dr. David Orentlicher and John Barnes last week and think highly of their plans for office. I’ve recently had an email exchange with Susan Fuldauer and was equally impressed. I’ll sit down and write about the discussions I’ve had with all of them more fully this weekend.

Candidates with strong, sound stances deserve our support, and your dollars can make the difference. Please make a contribution to this critical cause, either to all of the candidates or on an individual basis.

Julia Carson (IN-07) $
Russell Brown (IN-SD-31) $
David Orentlicher (IN-HD-86) $
Susan Fuldauer (IN-HD-88) $
John Barnes (IN-HD-89) $
John Day (IN-HD-100) $
Edmund Mahern (IN-HD-97) $

If you’d like to promote any of these candidates on your own site, you can link to this page to encourage contributions:

And you can add some nice graphics from this page. Like this one:
Act Blue: Support
Progressive Candidates

UPDATE: The Indiana Stonewall Democrats are endorsing J. D. Lux for House District 57, which is in Shelbyville, Indiana. He doesn’t seem to be plugged into the website yet, so visit his page for more information on him and to figure out how to make contributions to his campaign.

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links for 2006-10-27

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links for 2006-10-26

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Crazy Week

I’ve been trying to catch a few minutes to write about the blogger forum with progressive candidates that I attended last Friday, but it’s been such a hectic week I haven’t had a chance. Among other things, I joined the Y this week. I’ve been going regularly for water aerobics, and eventually you have to become a member or they stop letting you visit. Fortunately, I’ve really been enjoying the class, and have been planning on going to more during the week, so it makes sense to join.

I finally managed to get my damned truck bed cover on — with the help of the guys from Just Trucks, where I bought it in the first place. That’s some damned fine customer service, and they’re really nice guys to help me out. They certainly didn’t have to. The problem is that I bought the cheapest cover, and I should have spent a bit more and purchased one that goes on and off easily. So if you need car accessories or truck bling, go there, and tell them I sent you, because they deserve to know their kindness is appreciated.

Continue ReadingCrazy Week

links for 2006-10-25

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