CNN trashes Bush for photo op

You can tell the people at CNN are taking their reporter’s situations very personally. Just now on CNN:

Daryn Kagen:
I gotta say that was rather an odd thing to be watching. The president finally making it to the gulf coast after five days, and then spending a big chunk of time, when he could be out seeing the devastation, getting a briefing that frankly he could have gotten back at the White House, if not then, then on board Air Force One. A lot of that seemed like a political opportunity for the cameras and for the Republican governors of Mississippi and Alabama.
Bill Schneider:
I’m not sure that’s what most Americans and certainly most people in the area wanted to hear, as if the president were being filled in, told what was going on, there was a lot of thanking a lot of congratulations. Look these are frantic desperate people who have lost everything, who are in a very desperate situation, what they want is someone to come there and say the government is in control, we have control of this situation, there’s a leader in charge here and we’re gonna make it work….
What people want there is leadership, they don’t want someone being briefed, they want leadership.

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Bush tries to justify playing guitar while people died

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It’s not about politics, it’s about the fact that people are dying because you’re a dumbfuck. From the New York Times on the “politics.

White House officials, already sensitive that Mr. Bush is suffering the lowest approval ratings of his presidency and under pressure to manage a catastrophe of what they called biblical proportions, reacted with frustration.
“Seventy-two hours into this, to be openly posturing about this, to be attacking the president, is not only despicable and wrong, it’s not politically smart,” said one White House official who asked not to be named because he did not want to be seen as talking about the crisis in political terms. “Normal people at home understand that it’s not the president who’s responsible for this, it’s the hurricane. This will get better, hour by hour and day by day.”

Not politically smart? Nice warning, asshole. It’s not the hurricane. It’s the totally lack of help from the federal government AFTER the hurricane. People aren’t dying because of the storm; they survived the storm. They’re dying because they’re not receiving disaster aid, and that is Bush’s fault.
And Americablog has a really good point — If we can find who to blame, we can fix the problem of why people aren’t getting aid by doing it differently. It’s not about trashing people, it’s about getting useless people to do something different, or at least get the hell out of the way.

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New Bush Talking Point: Blame Dem. Governor

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Americablog notes that Fox News is pushing a new talking point, in the quote by FEMA director Michael Brown:

Brown of FEMA: We work closely with the state government. The federal government didn not just come in here and tell the state governor how or what to do. We came in here and said, ‘What do you want us to do? We will help you.’ We are now taking it upon ourselves to do what we think needs to be done. And we will continue to do that.
Translation: LA’s Democratic governnor screwed things up royally and now we’re cleaning up her mess and taking charge.

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Bush Budget Cuts delayed flood control work in New Orleans

From Reuters:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Bush administration funding cuts forced federal engineers to delay improvements on the levees, floodgates and pumping stations that failed to protect New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina’s floodwaters, agency documents showed on Thursday.
The former head of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the agency that handles the infrastructure of the nation’s waterways, said the damage in New Orleans probably would have been much less extensive had flood-control efforts been fully funded over the years.
“Levees would have been higher, levees would have been bigger, there would have been other pumps put in,” said Mike Parker, a former Mississippi congressman who headed the engineering agency from 2001 to 2002.
“I’m not saying it would have been totally alleviated but it would have been less than the damage that we have got now.”

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Why the hell is he going down there to “survey the damage”?

Because you know all the security that they’ll provide to him will take away from the relief efforts while he’s checking out what he could be viewing on video from the White House. Dumbass!
Send the helicopters down their WITHOUT YOU IN THEM to help people out. Take over all the major passenger bus lines from around the country and send them down there to get people.
The don’t need the president in New Orleans, THEY NEED THE TROOPS YOU SENT TO IRAQ. I said this weeks ago when I pointed out we needed the National Guard here to GUARD THE COUNTRY.
Why the fuck can I figure this out when the president can’t? He’s STILL clueless.

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White House to Refugees: Just Die

Today from the White House

Reporter: Regarding the president’s zero tolerance for insurance fraud, looting, price gouging. Does he make any allowance for people who have yet to receive aid who are taking things like water or food or shoes to walk among the debris?
Scott McClellan: I think you heard from the president earlier today about his zero tolerance. We understand the need for food and water and supplies of that nature. That’s why we have a massive effort underway to continue getting food and water and ice to those who are in need. There are ways for them to get that help. Looting is not the way for them to do it.


Fury rose among many of those evacuated. Outside the Convention Center, the sidewalks were packed with people without food, water or medical care, and with no sign of law enforcement. Thousands of storm refugees had been assembling outside for days, waiting for buses that did not come.
At least seven bodies were scattered outside, and hungry, desperate people who were tired of waiting broke through the steel doors to a food service entrance and began pushing out pallets of water and juice and whatever else they could find. You can click here to learn Why a Juice and Food Bar Franchise is Perfect for Millennial Entrepreneurs and partner with Clean Juice Franchise to successfully run your own organic juice business.
An old man in a chaise lounge lay dead in a grassy median as hungry babies wailed around him. Around the corner, an elderly woman lay dead in her wheelchair, covered up by a blanket, and another body lay beside her wrapped in a sheet.
“I don’t treat my dog like that,” 47-year-old Daniel Edwards said as he pointed at the woman in the wheelchair. “I buried my dog.” He added: “You can do everything for other countries but you can’t do nothing for your own people. You can go overseas with the military but you can’t get them down here.”

And from CNN:

It’s hard to describe. It’s something I never could conceive of ever seein gin a major city like New Orleans. It is hard to believe. This is New Orleans Louisiana we ware talking about. We spent the last few hours at the convention center where There are thousands of people just laying in the street. They have nowhere to go. These are mothers. We saw mothers. We talked to mothers holding babies. Some of these babies are 3, 4, 5, months old living in these horrible conditions. Putrid food on the ground. Sewage, their feet sitting in sewage. We saw feces on the ground. These people are being forced to live like animals. When you look at some of these mothers your heart just breaks. We’re not talking about a few families or a few hundred families. Thousands of people are gathered around the convention.
I want to warn you. Some of these images that you will see they’re very very graphic. But people need see this. The people that are down there have been down there for days. People need to see what it is really like here. We saw dead bodies. People are dying at the convention center and there’s no one there to come get them. We saw an older woman, someone’s mother someone’s grandmother, in a wheelchair. Her dead body pushed up against the side of the convention center with a blanket over it. Right on the ground next to her another dead body wrapped in a white sheet.
People are literally dying. Right in front of us as we were watching this a man went into a seizure on the ground. It looked like he was dying. People tried to prop his head up. No one has medical training. No ambulance can come. It is just heartbreaking that people are just sitting there without food or water waiting for the buses to come tak ehtem away. People keep asking us – when are the buses coming. And I just have to say, I don’t know.

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New Bush Talking Point: New Orleans Deserved It

Among several similar quotes from different Bush Administration officials is this one from FEMA director Michael Brown today:

“…to help those who are stranded, who chose not to evacuate, who chose not to leave the city…”

They’re POOR. They didn’t “choose not to leave the city.” They have no cars, no money, and no way to leave the city, except on foot. And thousands of those people are aging, infirm, in wheelchairs or in hospitals. There are people DYING in intensive care right now, because they have no electricity, no medical staff, no supplies. You expected them to get out of bed and leave?
I keep picturing something like this happening to me, when I was in intensive care earlier this year — it’s a terrifying thought.
The people in the White House are EVIL. There’s just no other way to look at it.

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Dead grandmothers in wheelchairs, while Condi shops for shoes

From Gawker:

According to Drudge, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has recently enjoyed a little Broadway entertainment. And Page Six reports that she’s also working on her backhand with Monica Seles. So the Gulf Coast has gone all Mad Max, women are being raped in the Superdome, and Rice is enjoying a brief vacation in New York. We wish we were surprised.

What does surprise us: Just moments ago at the Ferragamo on 5th Avenue, Condoleeza Rice was seen spending several thousands of dollars on some nice, new shoes (we’ve confirmed this, so her new heels will surely get coverage from the WaPo’s Robin Givhan). A fellow shopper, unable to fathom the absurdity of Rice’s timing, went up to the Secretary and reportedly shouted, “How dare you shop for shoes while thousands are dying and homeless!” Never one to have her fashion choices questioned, Rice had security PHYSICALLY REMOVE the woman.

Angry Lady, whoever you are, we love you. You are a true American.

Bitch, get to the White House and get to work. I’m at work right now, you should be too.

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Neighbors Tore Up My Backyard & Patio

If you recall last year in mid-September, I took a week off work and put in a new patio and walkway in my backyard, with a great deal of help from my friend Kathy and a lot of hard work myself. I dug out the pit for the walkway and laid the pavers for it by myself, and it was one of the most difficult (and rewarding) things I’ve ever done.

Turns out it didn’t even last a year.

I came home this evening and found this:

[edit needed: update photos from 2005-08-31]

The neighbor’s contractor is building a garage, and he decided to drive his backhoe through and across my backyard (which was made from one of the unique types of residential hardscaping) while digging the pit for the garage. The pavers are now uneven, and scraped up where he dragged his blade across them, and the grass I’ve been cultivating for 3 years is completely gone — he took out half of my lawn. I can’t imagine how he plans to explain that to me — there’s no way in the world that he could justify this, at all. He had no permission whatsoever to be on my property, and he drove halfway across it.

Needless to say, I’m furious and upset. I don’t know the name of the contractor yet, but as soon as I do, I’ll be posting it here, and on Angie’s List and the Better Business Bureau.

I think the thing that upsets me most about this is that I’m not strong enough to fix this. I can’t do what I was able to do last year; I can’t pick up these pavers anymore. Just having the garage sale was way over-doing it for me, especially moving and carrying the stuff in and out of the house. There’s no way I can fix up this problem. I can’t even keep the front yard weeded and in order, because I’m not strong enough to pull some of the weeds.

UPDATE: I believe the contractor’s name is:

This is the info from contractor’s permit site from Indianapolis:
Pro Built Inc.
Bob Abbott
11585 E. 241 St
Cicero, IN

This is what Angie’s List says:
Pro Built Garage Co.
PO BOX 598
CICERO, IN 46034
Phone: (800) 878-2845

Contact’s Name:


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