More Monkey News
I’m pretty sure CNN just did this to play with me.
I’m pretty sure CNN just did this to play with me.
Turns out that the government is using all kinds of data to build their new CAPPS II passenger screening program, including Census data; a major no-no and violation of privacy issues.
One of my favorite parts of this discussion on the issue is a comment from a commentor further down the page: “If you’re looking for a needle in a haystack, don’t bring in more hay.” He makes the point that the failure of 9/11 was not that we didn’t have enough data, but that we didn’t have enough people to process the data we had. But they’ve increased the amount of data they collect, without increasing the people to analyze it, and the result is that people are using broad generalizations to track terrorists and gathering up mostly innocent folks in the net as a result.
There were suits of mail, standing like ghosts in armour here and there; fantastic carvings brought from monkish cloisters; rusty weapons of various kinds; distorted figures in china, and wood, and iron, and ivory; tapestry and strange furniture that might have been designed in dreams.
Interesting; a guy who found, via eBay, what appears to be a new photo of Emily Dickinson, of which only one photo is known to exist. And the website the article is posted on is “”
If you have to watch our Bonehead-in-Chief deliver the State of the Union this evening, (I don’t; I have stuff recorded on DVR) you may as well do it drunk. I’d highly recommend it.
I saw the above headline on a personal ad on one of the dating sites I go to. It cracked me the hell up. Of course, if I put “I hate it when people don’t learn how to spell” on my personal ad, someone would send me hate mail. But honestly… I think I’d rather date liars and thieves than women who can’t spell. And no, I’m not a world-class speller myself. But hey, I’m not that bad.
Dan and Kathy helped me sand the hardwood floor in my living room. I still have to sand the edges of the floor, then stain and polyurethane it, then cut and place the base boards, and stain and polyurethane those. Then the living room will be done, and I’ll be able to move my furniture in. Then there will be a giant party, which will feature loud music and dancing.
I’m disappointed that Howard Dean didn’t do better in the Iowa Caucuses… he came in third. I suspect that had something to do with the “volvo-driving” ad, though. But that ad won’t do much in New Hampshire. 🙂
I’m hoping he does well there.
Adding “leap seconds” to the atomic clock to correct the time could have far reaching implications for GPS navigation, including air traffic control, which can endanger planes. This is one of those articles I had to read a couple of times before I got it. In my defense, I have not yet had any caffeine this morning.
Many expectant Chinese women are trying to delay the birth of their children until the Year of the Monkey begins next week because they think it will bring them luck, state media said.”
Because being born in the Year of the Monkey ROCKS. And being born in the Year of the Goat SUCKS!
In other monkey news, Monkeys invade Indian Embassy in Nepal. Bonus points because the article also contains the word “Katmandu.”
I love a good monkey invasion.