Chasing Bush: A Different Kind of Flash Mob

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A group experienced with building Flash Mobs in the U.K. is taking on a new project: protesting George Bush’s upcoming visit to the UK. Basically, they are going to follow the president around, record images of his protestors, images of how his visit and the security measures surrounding it cause chaos and difficulties for London citizens and businesses, and do everything they can to ensure that there are no “free speech zones” where protestors are kept out of sight and sound of the president so he doesn’t feel uncomfortable.

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Ripped From the Headlines: ER Plotline follows my Appendectomy story

If you watched ER last night, you may have noticed that the writers (who must have been reading my weblog!) completely ripped off my appendix surgery story on their show last night. Unfortunately, they changed just enough details to avoid having to pay me royalties. Here are their mistakes:
1) In Real Life, I’m not a middle-aged black guy.
2) I never ate any hospital food on my first trip to the ER, because I was doubled-over and completely nauseous. On the show, the guy with appendicitis scarfed down a tray of hospital food, which by the way, since when do they feed people in the ER? In Real Life, if you had shown me any food, especially hospital food, I would have puked on you, except that I couldn’t because I had puked up everything the day before.
3) When I initially went into the ER, my symptoms were much clearer and my pain was evident. The mis-diagnosis happened because the doctor thought my pain was the result of gallstones, even though my gall bladder is under my ribcage, and the pain was by my hipbone, where the appendix is located. I tried to point out to her that she was ultra-sounding the wrong place, but she didn’t listen. And they had totally doped me up on morphine, so I was inclined to be passive, rather than the insistent pain in the ass that I normally am. On the show, however, the guy’s symptoms were ambiguous, which is why they decided to send him home without a CT scan.
4) My appendix ruptured at home, rather than in the ER waiting room. On the show, the guy comes back and his appendix ruptures in the waiting room, and he pukes on the doctors shoes, which I didn’t do, but I sure wish I had, because, poetic justice. In Real Life, my appendix ruptured at home while I was waiting to get another ultrasound for my mythical gall stones.
5) On the show, the guy didn’t almost die, because he was in the ER waiting room, rather than at home because of mythical gall stones.
6) I didn’t go into surgery right away, because they were afraid that would be worse, so I sat in the hospital for a week until I was no longer septic, then several weeks later I had laser surgery.
Moral of the story: A) Television shows are total rip-off artists. B) A lot more people read my weblog than you think. C) If you want me to stop being an insistent pain-in-the-ass, morphine will really work.

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Questions to Ask Bush at his Next (if ever) Press Conference

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Strategic-planning question: �Sir, now that you�’ve acknowledged that there was never any evidence of Iraqi involvement in the September 11th attacks by Al Qaeda, does it remain your policy that in the event of any future Al Qaeda attack against this country we would still retaliate against Iraq, and, if so, how would you avoid hitting our own troops?�
Coalition question: �Is Bulgaria still part of the coalition, and, if so, what have they done for us lately?�
Somewhat off-the-wall question: �Speaking of Iraq and Al Qaeda, sir, do you think it�s fair that Arabs don�t have to use a �u� after a �q�?�
Follow-up to somewhat off-the-wall question if answer is no:� Then would that justify having gone to war with Iraq?�

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Holy Mother of God: Veterans Kicked Out of Veteran’s Day Parade

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TALLAHASSEE — A group of 30 military veterans critical of the war in Iraq hoped to use Tuesday’s Veterans Day parade to call attention to the increasingly deadly conflict but instead found themselves fighting for something much more fundamental.
Members of Veterans For Peace and Vietnam Veterans Against the War were yanked off a downtown Tallahassee street, directly in front of the Old Capitol, while marching in the holiday parade they had legitimately registered in.
As organizers allowed the parade to roll on — including veterans from various wars, several high school marching bands and even a group of young women from the local Hooters restaurant — the anti-war veterans were ordered onto sidewalks where they passed out leaflets and displayed a banner reading, “Honor the Warrior, Not the War.”

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Mom Finds Out About Blog

In a turn of events the 30-year-old characterized as “horrifying,” Kevin Widmar announced Tuesday that his mother Lillian has discovered his weblog. “Apparently, Mom typed [Widmar’s employer] Dean Healthcare into Google along with my name and, lo and behold, PlanetKevin popped up,” Widmar said. “I’m so fucked.”
If Widmar starts a blog at a new address, without his full name this time, he said he risks losing “close to 100” regular readers. As of press time, Widmar had not decided whether to shut PlanetKevin down.

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Dutch letters from the Jaarsma Bakery

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When I was a kid, we used to drive from Ankeny, Iowa (where we lived) to Brighton, Iowa, where my Grandma lived. On the drive, we usually went through Pella, Iowa, and if we were lucky, we’d stop at the Jaarsma Bakery and get my favorite dessert of all time… Dutch Letters. Jaarsma Bakery has been open since 1899, when it was founded by Herman Jaarsma who used recipes he brought over as an immigrant from Holland.

Dutch Letters from the Jaarsma Bakery
Originally, the Dutch Letters were made only as a special treat for Sinterklaas Day (the Dutch Santa Claus Day), December 6th. They are typically shaped into an “S” for “Sinterklaas” according to the website.

Now Jaarsma has a website and does online ordering, which quite simply kicks ass.

Jaarsma Bakery

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Polari – the lost gay language

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Fantabulosa: A Dictionary of Polari and Gay Slang – “Polari has been the secret language of British gay men and women throughout the twentieth century. Like all slang, Polari is an ever-changing vocabulary. Derived from words used by criminals, circus artists, beggars and prostitutes, it also employs elements of Italian, Yiddish, French, rhyming slang, and backslang.”
Also: “Polari (also seen as ‘Palare’) is a gay slang language, which has now almost died out. It was more common in the 1960’s when gays had more need of a private slang. However, in the last few years, more and more people have been finding out about it, and several web sites and magazine articles have been written. Polari featured heavily in the “Julian and Sandy” sketches on the BBC radio program “Round the Horne” in the late 60s, and this is how a lot of people first heard of Polari.”
Scrolling through the list on the second link surprised me… a lot of those words are a common part of the gay community today.

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Okay, look… (why you should watch Homestarrunner)

Go to Watch the cartoons. Watch Strongbad read his e-mail. And stop asking me what the sticker in my truck window is. Sheesh.

Strong Bad

Essential viewing:

Welcome to (Check me out. No, seriously, check me out.)
a Jorb Well Done
Meet Marshie I hate that freaking marshmellow.
Lookin’ at a thing in a bag. (My favorite StrongBad ever.)
The Cheat video
Draw a Dragon I said consumate V’s! Consumate!
Trogdor, the Burninator – Game
Japanese Cartoon

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