“Mary Sue” in Online Fan Fiction

MARY SUE (n.):

1. A variety of story, first identified in the fan fiction community, but quickly recognized as occurring elsewhere, in which normal story values are grossly subordinated to inadequately transformed personal wish-fulfillment fantasies, often involving heroic or romantic interactions with the cast of characters of some popular entertainment.

2. A distinctive type of character appearing in these stories who represents an idealized version of the author.

3. A cluster of tendencies and characteristics commonly found in Mary Sue-type stories.

4. A body of literary theory, originally generated by the fanfic community, which has since spread to other fields (f.i., professional SF publishing) because it’s so darn useful. The act of committing Mary Sue-ism is sometimes referred to as “self-insertion.”

Sounds dirty.

Making Light’s lengthy article on the concept of “The Mary Sue” is well worth reading.

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Nancy Reagan Opposes Putting Ronald on the Dime

Yeah, Nancy. It’s nice to know that cooler heads prevail at times.
“When our country chooses to honor a great President such as Franklin Roosevelt by placing his likeness on our currency, it would be wrong to remove him and replace him with another,” she said. “It is my hope that the proposed legislation will be withdrawn.”

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The Christmas Letter

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I just finished my Christmas letter, which will be going out with my Christmas cards in the mail shortly. I will post it here, too, but not until after I send them out, so as not to spoil the surprise for those of you who kindly sent my your addresses.
I think it’s quite funny, if I do say so my self. And funny in the intentional way, not the unintentional way of… ahem… some people I know who’s Christmas letter I read out loud to my friends every year.

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