Calling all Ball State Gay Alumni
The current Ball State Gay and Lesbian Student Association [called “Spectrum”] is seeking GLBT alumni to contact them. They would like to get 200 alums to send in contact information (name, address, phone, etc.) to be listed with the University Alumni Association, so they can be and official part of the Alumni Association, which means they would then get some phat cash.
Even if they can’t round up that many, they’d definitely like to have an informal Alumni Association and have some event during Homecoming/Proud Week, which both happen to conveniently occur at the same time. (Hmm, wonder who planned that years ago?) You all know you want to go to homecoming and party on campus as a well-adjusted openly gay person, instead of as the closeted geek you were then.
E-mail the kids at and tell them you want to be included, and send all your info. Shit, I probably know 100 alumni myself. Y’all better write them.