Calling all Ball State Gay Alumni

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The current Ball State Gay and Lesbian Student Association [called “Spectrum”] is seeking GLBT alumni to contact them. They would like to get 200 alums to send in contact information (name, address, phone, etc.) to be listed with the University Alumni Association, so they can be and official part of the Alumni Association, which means they would then get some phat cash.
Even if they can’t round up that many, they’d definitely like to have an informal Alumni Association and have some event during Homecoming/Proud Week, which both happen to conveniently occur at the same time. (Hmm, wonder who planned that years ago?) You all know you want to go to homecoming and party on campus as a well-adjusted openly gay person, instead of as the closeted geek you were then.
E-mail the kids at and tell them you want to be included, and send all your info. Shit, I probably know 100 alumni myself. Y’all better write them.

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Smart Op/Ed piece by Monica Lewinsky

From Talk Left: ‘Tell Mama’ by Monica Lewinsky

Interesting discussion on a recent, intelligently written Op/Ed piece in the LA Times, written by Monica Lewinsky on the need for parent/child privilege in courtrooms.

Few people are aware that, in our country, parents can be forced to testify against their children and vice versa; there is no parent-child privilege under the aegis of the federal government. We have a husband-wife privilege, a doctor-patient privilege, an attorney-client privilege and even a privilege between priest and penitent. But no comparable confidential boundary is recognized for parent and child.

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Covering Bush’s Ass: White House refuses to release Sept. 11 info

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The White House is attempting to block the publication of at 900 page congressional report on the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center. They’re claiming that it contains sensitive intelligence information, yet that information is readily available elsewhere on the internet and has been discussed in print and broadcast previously. Excerpt:

The Bush administration also consistently have fought identifying top officials, including the president and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice, who may have received warnings in 2001 that bin Laden’s network planned to hijack commercial aircraft. As a result, the report includes vague references to ‘senior administration officials.’

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