The Top Ten Conservative Idiots (No. 125)

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  • Post category:Politics

September 8, 2003 – The Hands And Knees Edition. As in “Bush comes crawling on….” because he has to ask the UN, whom he spent months dissing, for help.
Among other things, admits that they were wrong, and that Osama bin Laden’s family really was gathered up by the government while the entire country was under lockdown and then whisked back to Saudia Arabia. The real question is why was this happening before we even confirmed that bin Laden was the mastermind?

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Raves, Clubbing Losing their appeal

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  • Post category:Indianapolis

But now dance music, the genre that revolutionised people’s clothing, drinking, drug-taking and socialising habits beyond recognition, is battling for survival.”
Interesting, considering that I heard a rumor that the hot new nightclub near my house, Talbott Street, will be closing in the next few months due to poor attendance.

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I don’t care how “sexy” Ben Affleck is…

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  • Post category:Movies

He simply does not cause lesbians to want to have sex with him. Believe me. Icky. Icky. Icky. I’m sorry, but the culture police need to write him a ticket for Gigli AND Chasing Amy. Seriously, if Ben Affleck wanted to have sex with me, I might auction the option off to my gay male friends, but that’s the closest I would EVER come to considering the idea.

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