Rush Admits he’s a drug addict

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“Rush Limbaugh is telling his fans that part of what they’ve heard about him is true: he’s addicted to painkillers. In a statement on his radio show today, the conservative commentator said he’s “not making any excuses” and takes full responsibility for his problem. He says he’s no role model and refuses to let people think he’s “doing something great here.” Limbaugh says he’s twice checked himself into medical facilities to try to break his dependence on prescription drugs. He says his doctor prescribed the pills years ago after his spinal surgery, and he kept taking them for pain in his lower back and neck.”
Boo hoo! The poor, poor guy. Here’s what he’s had to say about drug abuse by others:

“What this says to me,” he told his listeners that day, “is that too many whites are getting away with drug use. Too many whites are getting away with drug sales. Too many whites are getting away with trafficking in this stuff. The answer to this disparity is not to start letting people out of jail because we’re not putting others in jail who are breaking the law. The answer is to go out and find the ones who are getting away with it, convict them and send them up the river, too.”

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2339 Penn

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A couple blocks north of me, my neighbors have been renovating their historic home and have done a lot of excellent research on the history of it. This was one of the homes that was up on wheels and moved around when they were redoing the Fall Creek Place neighborhood.

I didn’t know that at one time, before September 11, 2001, the government was considering building a new Indiana governor’s mansion in the 2400 block of Pennsylvania St. The plans fell by the wayside after the WTC attacks because the money was diverted elsewhere. That would have kicked ass, though. But that affected this house…

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Indiana ranked 13 in list of “smartest states”

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Massachusetts and Vermont took top honors on the annual ranking of states by level of intelligence. Iowa ranked #8, Indiana was #13, and California slid in at a not-so-surprising #44. New Mexico took the lowest ranking of #50.
The Smartest State Award is based on 21 factors that compare the 50 states in more than 400 elementary and secondary education categories. Factors considered include per pupil expenditures, public high school graduation rates, average class size, student reading, writing and math proficiency, and pupil-teacher ratios and teacher salaries as a percent of average annual pay.
Next step: overlap this list with the map of red vs. blue states.

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A Personal Update…

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I’ve had a lot of friends ask me for favors lately, and it’s stressing me out pretty badly. I love my friends a lot, and I want to do the stuff they need, but I’m about two months behind schedule on lots of things I need to accomplish in my life due to my appendix problems this summer. So please, cut me a little slack… please. I can’t keep up with everything right now. Thanks.

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Bush Drug Guy wants to test school kids for drugs

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BOSTON (AP) — President Bush’s drug czar told New England governors Wednesday that drug testing in schools would be an effective way to combat a growing problem of drug use among young people, but area school officials caution there are problems with it.”
I wonder if any of Bush’s people have ever bothered to, say, actually READ the fucking constitution. You know, the document they’re sworn to uphold…

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I’ve narrowed my choice of vacations spots down further. Florida was out after 2000, now California’s out. I guess if I want to go to Disney, it’ll have to be EuroDisney.

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Mars/Venus Author says stupid shit, gets on my shit list

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Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus author Dr John Gray said women should understand that emotional behaviour is often viewed by male work colleagues as a weakness. “Women have to speak the language of men at work,” he said. “For example, if a woman’s idea is stolen at a meeting, she should ensure she is not seen as a loser by taking it badly. “Men, even if they are rejected, will put a positive spin on things and women should be more graceful so they turn the negative into a positive.”
OR — men could stop being sexist pigs and judging women as weak because they express themselves differently than men. And if my idea is stolen at work, I always have the paper trail to back up that it was my idea… so men don’t get away with that where I work.

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