Cardio Appointment

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Okay, I have to write about this, because it’s been worrying me for a day, and I have get it out of my head. I went to my cardiologist yesterday for my “routine once a year post-surgery” visit. I had a vague expectation that I would be getting and EKG and seeing the doctor, and that’s pretty much what they repeated when I went in. However, the nurse guy who said this when I entered the exam room was brand new, so it’s possible he didn’t have the complete scoop on what the tests were supposed to be.

After I met with Dr. Trippi, though, he mentioned he wanted an echo-cardio gram, and it seemed sort of like he was tacking that on at the last minute. And then he went to find one of the echo technicians, and there was a wait while they figured out what testing room I could use, which also seemed like the test hadn’t been pre-scheduled.

When they were taking me from the exam room to the testing room, I could hear Dr. Trippi transcribing his notes about me in his office across the hall, which is rather creepy to hear a disembodied voice speaking about you: “Patient is Mineart, age 38….” I tried to hang back and hear what else he was saying, but the nurse was too far ahead and I had to catch up.

It was kind of a difficult echo – basically an ultrasound of my heart. They had trouble seeing everything, especially getting good pictures of my mitral valve, so it was somewhat painful. And at the end of it, the echo technician said something that struck me as odd — I don’t know if I can quote word-for-word, but it was something like “How long did they tell you the repair was good for?” And of course, I had been told that it was supposed to last until forever, so that’s what I told her.

So they bundled me all up and sent me out, but I of course don’t know what they saw on the echo, or if there’s some sort of problem that they didn’t tell me about. And it’s been worrying me ever since. Gf course, it could be I’m assuming too much or imagining things, and I hope that’s all it is. And I shouldn’t worry until I get more concrete information. But it’s sort of hard to write something funny and entertaining right now.

Update: It didn’t really turn out to be anything, thankfully.

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Surgery details and information

I go in for surgery at 5:30 a.m. this Friday at Methodist Hospital in downtown Indianapolis. 1701 N. Senate Blvd. Indianapolis, IN 46206. 1-800-248-1199 is the toll-free number to call for information.

If you want to see me in the hospital before surgery, please come at 5:30. If you are visiting while I’m in surgery, you will need to go to the main information desk to find out details of where I am. The operating room and surgery waiting areas are on the second floor of the A building. Parking garage 1 is the closest parking area.

Surgery starts at 7:30 and should take about 4 hours. After surgery I will be moved to the Cardiovascular Critical Care Unit (CVCC), which is on the second and third floors of the same building, building A. Family members may be in one of two waiting rooms — 317-923-0171 or 317-923-0170. Or you can try to call Stephanie on her cell.

Visiting hours while I’m in the CVCC are: 9:30-11:30 a.m., 12:30-3:00 p.m., 4:30-6:30 p.m., and 8:30-11:00 p.m. While I’m in the CVCC, I can receive cards and mylar balloons. Flowers, planters, or latex balloons aren’t allowed on the unit.

After a couple days, I should be moved out of the critical care unit to a regular room, where I’ll be for a couple more days. I should have more visiting hours there and be able to see people. If you want to come visit me, call the information number to find out where I am and what my visiting hours are. Or you can send me monkeys. 🙂

Stephanie will be sending some e-mail updates letting family and friends know how I am. She’ll also be posting to my Web site, so watch this spot for more information.

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