Mary Cheney

Because Kerry once again won the debate last night, the only thing the Republicans have to hammer him on is his reference to Mary Cheney as being a lesbian. Apparently, they’re all wigging out about this, for some strange reason, as though mentioning it were a bad thing, or some big secret.

WHAT KERRY SAID: “And I think if you were to talk to Dick Cheney’s daughter, who is a lesbian, she would tell you that she’s being who she was, she’s being who she was born as.”

LYNNE CHENEY AT POST-DEBATE RALLY: “The only thing I could conclude is that this is not a good man. This is not a good man. And, of course, I’m speaking as a mom. And a pretty indignant one. This is not a good man. What a cheap and tawdry political trick.”

DICK CHENEY TO NBC AFFILIATE WHO: “I would have said Sen. Kerry was out of line to bring my daughter into it. I thought it was totally inappropriate.”

WTF???!!!! Seriously, what the fuck? Mary Cheney is a 30+ year old woman who’s been out of the closet for years upon years, and who has held down jobs as a gay advocate. Why would anyone care if she were brought up, unless they were a total bigot? Of course she’s relevant. Of course, she’s the obvious person to talk about, being the closest gay person to the presidential election. Why the hell wouldn’t he bring her up?

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