17-year-old Indianapolis Youth Killed Because She Was Trans

From the Indianapolis Star:

Gregory Johnson and his friend Brandie Coleman were killed and left in an SUV set on fire in the 6700 block of Fall Creek Parkway, North Drive. Johnson, they say, was a sweet and funny young man who liked to dress as a woman, fooling his dates. They suspect one of them became enraged upon learning the truth and killed Johnson and his female friend.

They were murdered by Paul Moore and Curtis Ward, and they enlisted Paul’s half-brother, Clarence McGee to help cover up their deaths.

What’s scary is that this article in the Indianapolis Star seems to blame Nireah, not the killers, for her death. Just because you’re upset that someone fooled you does not give you the right to kill them and their friends.

Related posts:

More on The Murdered Indianapolis Trans Teen

Two Indianapolis men sentenced for killing trans teen, friend

Nireah Johnson and Brandie Coleman

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Chrissy

    People don’t like being made a fool of. This boy was treading dangerous territory

  2. Chrissy

    People don’t like being made a fool of. This boy was treading dangerous territory

  3. Steph Mineart

    So are you, Chrissy, by making that comment. Do you think it should get you killed?

    Nireah was being an average teenager, who happened to be a transgender person. She wasn’t “trying to make a fool of” anyone. She was just being a teen. Transgender teens have a right to exist and explore their identities without threats of violence – and the men who killed her should have received additional penalties for bias crimes, because their goal was not just to hurt her, but to terrorize all transgender people.

  4. Paula

    Those boys weren’t attracted to this person because she was a male but as a female. Their egos shouldn’t have been thwarted. Transgenedered people have a right to be who they are without explanation and if someone finds them attractive it’s not their fault.

  5. Paula

    Those boys weren’t attracted to this person because she was a male but as a female. Their egos shouldn’t have been thwarted. Transgenedered people have a right to be who they are without explanation and if someone finds them attractive it’s not their fault.

  6. eliza

    Yes, Moore was attracted to Johnson as a female, but Johnson was not a female. He was manipulated. No one deserves to be murdered, and no one deserves to be manipulated. Lies are committed by omission and commission, and any male posing as a female to a potential date is lying. That is not infringing on choice– that is protecting the innocent. Yes, we must all love one another, but you cannot force your lifestyle on anyone else– and again, that is by either omission or commission. Gregory attempted to force is lie onto someone else, which is not okay. HOWEVER, he did NOT deserve to be murdered. Two wrongs never made a right. As a heterosexual, though, I can understand the anger that can accompany a situation like that, but it still doesn’t justify putting a gun to someone’s head.

  7. Steph Mineart

    Eliza – Johnson WAS a female. I’m sorry; it may be hard for you to wrap your brain around, but it’s true. This was a GIRL we’re talking about, not a ‘he’ as you keep describing her. She may not have had the easiest time explaining that to herself, let alone to someone she was dating. She probably didn’t have anyone to help her handle the best way to tell people.

    She wasn’t “deceiving” him – there may have been info she was leaving out, but some stuff is hard to share, especially stuff like this.

    And there’s no excuse or explanation for murdering someone.

    No matter how you try to spin it, Johnson wasn’t doing anything wrong.

  8. jamsine

    i think that was really stupid b/c anyone can be who they want to be!!

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