“Gays wield extreme power” Oklahoma senator sounds like Hitler
Tom Coburn is also George W. Bush’s head of the presidential AIDS commission. Compare and contrast quotes of his with Adolf Hitler:
“The gay community has infiltrated the very centers of power in every area across this country, and they wield extreme power. … That agenda is the greatest threat to our freedom that we face today. Why do you think we see the rationalization for abortion and multiple sexual partners? That’s a gay agenda.'” — Tom Coburn, republican US Senate candidate from Oklahoma. Source: Salon Magazine
His [The Jew’s] power is the power of money, which multiplies in his hands effortlessly and endlessly through interest, and which forces peoples under the most dangerous of yokes. Its golden glitter, so attractive in the beginning, conceals the ultimately tragic consequences. Everything men strive after as a higher goal, be it religion, socialism, democracy, is to the Jew only means to an end, the way to satisfy his lust for gold and domination. In his effects and consequences he is like a racial tuberculosis of the nations. — Adolf Hitler, First Antisemitic Writing