The Alchemical Egg Tarot Cards
The deck this person reading my tarot was using was, unbeknownst to me, The Alchemical Tarot illustrated by Robert M. Place, and it was a spectacular design, beautifully illustrated. Since then, I’ve had people read my Tarot, and seen other decks, but that original reading sticks in my mind because the artwork was so beautiful. Some of the other decks I’ve seen aren’t as appealing to my aesthetic.
There’s a great site that showcases dozens of Tarot Decks called Aeclectic Tarot. They also explain what each of the 78 cards in a Tarot deck mean, and they included the The Alchemical Tarot that I’ve been looking for. They also had a link to Robert M. Place’s website called The Alchemical Egg Robert M Place Tarot where I discovered he has done some other Tarot decks, including one based on the Saints, and one based on Angels.
These are a lot more fun to look at and interpret, because they’re so well designed.
Updated to fix links.