Today – 2023-01-29

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1:35 pm – I’ve had a headache this morning, so I’m reading in the library with Baxter hoping it will go away. I’m on page 260 of Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver and I’m still enjoying it. I have plans to run to Midland Antique Mall and see how many empty spaces we have to fill. I’ll probably do that soon. I mailed two of Stephanie’s mom’s paperback books to their new owners (sold on eBay). Incredible Hulk and The Electric Company.

2:30 pm – Midland Antique Mall. I added a couple books to our booth. Walked around and took photos of fun stuff.

They had all these large ledger books from Indiana counties for sale. Fun to look at.

5:25 pm – Potato Leek Soup made.


TV Shows Watched
Art of Vintage
Good Doctor

Continue ReadingToday – 2023-01-29