V-Day is a global movement to stop violence against women and girls. V-Day is a palpable energy, a fierce catalyst that promotes creative events to increase awareness, raise money, and revitalize the spirit of existing anti-violence organizations. V-Day generates broader attention for the fight to stop worldwide violence against women and girls including rape, battery, incest, female genital mutilation (FGM), and sexual slavery. V-Day provides funding to create and nurture innovative programs to stop the violence.
The Event: Saturday, February 14th
Hundreds of young women have been abducted and murdered with impunity in the past decade in Ciudad Ju�rez and Chihuahua, close to the Mexican border near El Paso, Texas. V-Day and Amnesty International are joining with the women of Ciudad Juarez and Chihuahua and their families to demand the end to impunity and the prevention of further violence against women.
The day will include a discussion on gender violence by Mexican feminist, Marcela Lagarde; an ecumenical remembrance of the victims and honoring of their mothers and families at the Benito Ju�rez Monument; lunch with music and meals provided by local vendors; a poetry reading by local students from Ciudad Juarez and El Paso; and conclude with a special V-Day benefit performance of the Vagina Monologues.
V-Day is an organized response against violence toward women.
V-Day is a vision: We see a world where women live safely and freely.
V-Day is a demand: Rape, incest, battery, genital mutilation and sexual slavery must end now.
V-Day is a spirit: We believe women should spend their lives creating and thriving rather than surviving or recovering from terrible atrocities.
V-Day is a catalyst: By raising money and consciousness, it will unify and strengthen existing anti-violence efforts. Triggering far-reaching awareness, it will lay the groundwork for new educational, protective, and legislative endeavors throughout the world.
V-Day is a process: We will work as long as it takes. We will not stop until the violence stops.
V-Day is a day. We proclaim Valentine’s Day as V-Day, to celebrate women and end the violence.
V-Day is a fierce, wild, unstoppable movement and community. Join us!