“I have read your website and it is obviously that your a foggot.”
via the always hilarious 27bslash6, this funny email exchange with an anti-gay bigot: -“I have read your website and it is obviously that your a foggot.”.
I wish I were as clever as they are. Oh, 27B/6, It’s been along time since I visited. You have clearly become more funny while I was gone.
Is This Feminist?
Sweet Jesus is this funny….
via Is This Feminist?.
This woman is doing laundry. IS THIS FEMINIST?
No. As much as we admire the expression of real and legitimate anger, stemming from an unequal and sexist burden of housework based upon normative gender roles, we still can’t endorse just shoving the camera guy into the machine. PROBLEMATIC.
Arty Bollocks Generator
via Instant artist statement: Arty Bollocks Generator.
Wanna sound like a pretentious ass? Generate your own artist statement for free, and if you don’t like it, generate another one. Feel free to use the statements with funding applications, exhibitions, curriculum vitae, websites…
Today Show on Rowing
The Today Show takes on the Princeton Rowing Team.
HTML9 Responsive Boilerstrap JS
Ha ha ha. That’s awesome.
H9RBS.js (v0.0001) is a flexible, dependency-free, lightweight, device-agnostic, modular, baked-in, component framework MVC library shoelacestrap to help you kickstart your responsive CSS-based app architecture backbone kitchensink tweetybirds.
Homophobic = Probably Gay
Written and directed by Katie Goodman and Soren Kisiel. Featuring, left to right, Erin Roberg, Katie Goodman, and Maggie Garver. Filmed by Ryan Stumpe and AVERIngenuity. Edited by Soren Kisiel and Ryan Stumpe.
Rebecca Drysdale: It Gets Better
Rebecca Drysdale’s hilarious and awesome “It Gets Better” video. I really heart this.