links for 2006-07-25

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Gay Games: Team Indiana Takes the Field

Team Indiana

Team Indiana marching onto the field at the Opening Ceremonies of GGVII. See all my pictures of the Gay Games Opening Ceremonies, and the pictures Stephanie took from on the field, also. It was a beautiful, surprisingly political ceremony, and I had a great time, even if it was twice as long as planned.

Team Indiana was represented by 89 athletes in dozens of sports, including track and field, figure skating, tennis, and softball.

Photo Galleries from Gay Games 2006:
Gay Games Opening Ceremonies
Gay Games: Figure Skating, Day 1
Gay Games: Figure Skating, Day 2
Gay Games: Figure Skating, Exhibition of Champions
Team Indiana: After Party

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links for 2006-07-24

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Back Home Again

We got home yesterday mid-day from Chicago, and we’ve been hanging out and relaxing. We ended up not going to Ikea on Thursday — we sat in traffic for 3 hours, and finally ended up giving up and going directly to the rink so Stephanie could prepare for her show. We went on Friday instead — and again due to traffic, it took a long time and we skipped coming back Friday night and came back Saturday instead so we could at least make one trip where we weren’t both ready to fall asleep.
We met some of our neighbors at a garage sale down the street, which was neat. And we took a tour of our neighbor’s gigantic house. Pretty cool. We went to MacNiven’s on Massachusetts Avenue for dinner — that was nice. We both had big salads and wings. I’d like to go back there; it was fun. Lots of Scottish foods, big vintage golf advert posters on the walls.
We went to our friend Mike’s last night to see his band play — the same band that played at my house two years ago. They were great; much more polished. Today we’ve puttered around, put together some of our furniture from Ikea and unpacked, got caught up on our e-mail and blog reading and watched a ton of TV.
I still haven’t uploaded my pictures; I’ll try to do that tomorrow.
I forgot to shut off the recordings of Degrassi: The Next Generation, so we maxed out our DVR space while we were gone. Oops. Here’s what I’ve been watching lately —
Degrassi: The Next Generation — I never heard of the show until I read about the current version on, where they reviewed the positive treatment of gay characters on the show. Stephanie was familiar with the original series from back in the 1980’s, but I was a bit too old for that version and never saw it. We’re now addicted to this version and have been watching the re-runs this summer on The N. For those who aren’t familiar; the original was set in Degrassi Junior High, then Degrassi High School. The current series is about the kids of the original characters, set in the same school, which is now a combined junior and senior high. The show tackles some edgy subjects in a very educated and non-preachy manner, which they can do because it’s a Canadian show, set in a Canada, where people don’t freak out about showing realistic issues on television. In fact some of the episodes were censored when they originally aired here. There are six seasons of DTNG, so we’ve been doing a lot of catch-up on the storylines, and they’ve aired shows from all the seasons in re-run. We’ve seen a lot of the episodes where Dylan and Marco (the boy gay couple) have a relationship, but we’re still waiting for the episodes where Paige and Alex (the girl gay couple) get together.
Lucky Louie
Rescue Me
The Closer
Big Brother
Windfall (although we’re way behind on this series)
I seem to have an overly testosterone-driven viewing schedule. I wish Sex and the City was still around to balance it out.
Obviously, there’s a lot going on in the news, but I’m not sure how to even comment on it. Bush’s behavior at the G-8 summit makes it pretty clear that American foreign policy is pretty much fucked, and our ability to influence events in the middle east or with Korea is pretty much meaningless at this point. I’m praying that we can make it through the next few years without World War III spiraling into the end of civilization. Although there are quite a few people who are cheering for that to happen, and there’s some question about whether Bush is one of those people.

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Two Gold Medals

Stephanie won two gold medals in the past two days, at both her competitions. She skated really well – she looks really confident and smooth on the ice. I’m so proud of her. The skating is really amazing. I have tons of photos, but we’re still unable to connect my laptop to the weak signal here at her dad’s house, and we haven’t found a wireless signal anywhere near the rink, so I’m not able to upload anything yet. I have some amazing pictures though. Be sure to check out Stephanie’s blog, because she’s been posting updates more regularly than I.

gay games gold medal

It’s really fun to watch some of the same-sex couples skate, and there are many skaters here that are in 8, 9, and 10 levels — Olympic caliber skaters doing Olympic caliber spins and jumps, which is really awesome to watch. We went out last night with a bunch of the women skaters to a restaurant in Andersonville (which is the primarily lesbian area of Chicago) and one of the female skaters with us got fan-mobbed while we were eating, which was really funny. It’s very bizarre to be immersed the skating world so intensely — we’ve been at the rink all day, every day for the past four days, amongst 89 athletes who are busying warming up, practicing, exercising and generally being physically-aware athletes, which is really infectious. I need a sport. The next Gay Games is in Cologne, Germany in 2010. The competitors we talked to are already making plans to go.

We’re getting a better handle on where everything is in Chicago; we’ve been to Boystown a couple of times to shop and eat, and last night we got to see a bit of Andersonville. We also visited a park on the Lakeshore to watch some men’s tennis. The events are pretty spread out, so it hasn’t been to easy to run to other events and get back to the rink.

Today we’re going to visit Ikea, and then this evening is the Exhibition of Champions, where Stephanie will be performing one of her (two!) qualifying programs. It’s possible that it will be televised on Logo, so look for it. There have also been reporters from CNN and ESPN around interviewing people. CNN interviewed Stephanie’s friends Sara and Debbie about their couple’s program. Also, we’ll have the DVD of all the events and the showcase, so we’ll have a party to show everyone once it arrives. I can’t wait, because there are some really amazing things I want to see again.

Photo Galleries from Gay Games 2006:
Gay Games Opening Ceremonies
Gay Games: Figure Skating, Day 1
Gay Games: Figure Skating, Day 2
Gay Games: Figure Skating, Exhibition of Champions
Team Indiana: After Party

Continue ReadingTwo Gold Medals

Gay Games, Opening Ceremonies

Stephanie can get on her Dad’s neighbor’s wireless network, but I can’t get on, so I can’t yet upload the bajillion pictures we’ve been taking. We bought a new camera for me — the Canon SD630 I’ve had my eye on for a while, and Stephanie’s adopted my slick little Canon SD10 Powershot, which she took on the field with her during the Opening Ceremonies, while I snapped pictures from up in the stands. The ceremony was great; lots of cool speakers and interesting entertainment. I especially loved Margaret Cho, and I also was impressed by the dance stuff right before the torch lit. And the fireworks in Soldier Field were awesome.
The ceremonies were really long though — they ended at midnight, and we still had to drive back to Valpo, so it was quite a late night, and we got up fairly early, too. We need some extra sleep.

Today Stephanie had a skaters meeting at the MeFetridge Ice Rink where she’ll be competing, and we went through the expo hall for the games collecting free stuff from all the vendors. was giving away some cool backpacks, and we got a lot of other fun swag. Stephanie also talked to a women’s book publisher who might have her freelance edit some fiction, which would rock pretty hard.

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Gay Games 2006

We’re headed up to Chicago for the Gay Games this week. Stephanie’s skating in two competitions as part of Team Indiana, so we’ll be there all week. (IIf you can’t be an athlete, be an athletic supporter!)
We’re staying with Stephanie’s Dad (and taking Spike!) so our internet connections will be sporatic, but we’ll try to visit Starbucks or Panera to do some blogging during the week.
Today we register Stephanie and attend the Opening Ceremonies — lots of celebrities, including Megan Mulallay an Holly Near.

Gay Games 2006 Opening Ceremonies

Photo Galleries from Gay Games 2006:
Gay Games Opening Ceremonies
Gay Games: Figure Skating, Day 1
Gay Games: Figure Skating, Day 2
Gay Games: Figure Skating, Exhibition of Champions
Team Indiana: After Party

Continue ReadingGay Games 2006

links for 2006-07-15

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the precedent of I Can’t Hear You v. I’m Not Listening

yay! Fafblog is back!

That’s why George W. Bush has to take this case to the highester court in the land: the court of George W. Bush. It’s a tough bench alright, but Bush can win this one as long as he exercises his constitutional right to ignore the Constitution. The legal technicalities are pretty complicated but Giblets believes it involves filing a writ of neener neener according to the precedent of I Can’t Hear You v. I’m Not Listening. Only then can the forces of freedom protect America from the hordes of Democrofascists that would menace her with their savage civil liberties!

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