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Fundies Say the Darndest Things

New edition to my regular online reading (for as long as I can stand it):

Fundies Say the Darndest Things
A blog that watches Christian message boards, blogs and news groups and culls the most laughable, craziest things that fundamentalists say on the internet.

What’s really scary is that these folks are ON THE INTERNET, meaning they have access to real information and education. And they still believe this crap.

I think back to my CCD and CYO classes when I was a kid, and if anyone had said some of these crazy-ass things out loud, they would have been smacked down immediately. Even though I disagreed with much of what was taught there, I don’t remember anyone being this batshit nutty, ever. Which just going to show that crazy people believe crazy things, and they use religion as an camoflage for their nuttiness, so no one can say they’re wrong.

Like this guy… who said this:

When God gave permission for some of His male creatures to go take certain female creatures as captives (for the sake of procreation), do you call this rape? Call it rape if you want … but I’m not calling it rape if it’s by the will of the Creator. For only God knows what each of us deserves.

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links for 2006-07-27

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Video of some of the figure skating from GGVII

Jay and Bradley did an interpretive pairs program of Brokeback Mountain that was really amazing:
Edward Van Campen did a very moving tribute to his brother, who died of AIDS. His performance included his brother’s AIDS quilt, which he then presented to the NAMES Project.
We discussed creating video of Stephanie’s programs, but we decided against it because they had professional video services there. I’m hoping to track down a YouTube video of the finale of the Skating – a really moving production number tribute to Christina Aguliera’s “Beautiful.”

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links for 2006-07-26

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I am the Troll on the bridge, give me money

Stephanie’s cat Lucy is missing out. Recently, she’s been camping out at the top of the stairs hissing at the other cats when the try to come up, like the Troll under the bridge that doesn’t let people pass. But apparently she didn’t realize she should be charging money to let them by….

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Staceyann Chin’s speech/poem at Gay Games VII

A selection from Stacyann Chin’s speech at the Opening Ceremonies of the Gay Games (this was the part I love so much):
I don’t know why
but the term lesbian just seems so
confrontational to me
why can’t you people just say you date
other people?

Again I say nothing
tongue and courage tied with fear
I am at once livid
ashamed and paralyzed
by the neo-conservatism
breeding malicious amongst us
Two spirit
Non-gender conforming—every year we add a new letter
our community is happily expanding beyond the scope
of the dream stonewall sparked within us
yet everyday
I become more afraid to say black
or lesbian
or woman—everyday
under the pretense of unity I swallow something I should have said
about the epidemic of AIDS in Africa
or the violence against teenage-girls in East New York
or the mortality rate of young boys on the south-side of Chicago
even in friendly conversation
I get the bell hooks-ian urge
to kill mother-fuckers who say stupid shit to me
all day
bitter branches of things I cannot say out loud
sprout deviant from my neck
fuck you-you-fucking-racist-sexist-turd
fuck you for wanting to talk about homophobia
while you exploit the desperation of undocumented immigrants
to clean your hallways
bathe your children and cook your dinner
for less than you and I spend on our tax deductible lunch!

I want to scream
all oppression is connected you dick!

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