I feel like shit

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In the myriad of doctors appointments I have, I managed to forget the most important one – my Monday appointment with my new primary care physician. It was scheduled so far from when I actually made the appointment that I completely lost track of it- I thought it was on April 28th, which it turns out is actually supposed to be my pulmonologist’s appointment. And I see my cardiologist on April 12th at 1 p.m. And I’m completely pissed off at google calendar – I had it set to remind me two days before the appointment, and I didn’t get a reminder.
So I had to reschedule for my regular doctor, and the woman in the office was completely bitchy. I asked why they didn’t call to remind me of the appointment, and she said they have more important things to do, and that I need to learn to manage my time. Thanks. If you made appointments closer to the time that people ask for them, they might fucking remember them, thank you.
I couldn’t get an appointment before the April 16th, which means I’m seeing the cardiologist before my regular doctor, which is bound to be a complete and utter clusterfuck.
I really need one of these damn doctors to round up the others, put their heads together, and figure out what the fucking problem is, because at this point, my diagnoses are more accurate than any of theirs. I’m so fucking sick of being sick.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Burn | The Demigod

    Oh gosh, I’m so sorry to hear that. I know I can’t offer much in terms of actual assistance, but hey, someone from the other side of the world is rooting for you to feel better soon.
    I was sick through most of my childhood, and I can completely commiserate the feeling of “sick of being sick”.
    All the best!

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