The Clothesline Dream

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I had a bizarre dream in which I had strung a clothes line from the gables of the roof of the house I live in now, right outside the kitchen window. And of course, I had just done laundry and hung all of my very favorite clothes, when a really violent storm blew up, and I frantically tried to get the clothes off the line before they all blew away.

Sorry to bore you with something that sounds so mundane, but it fascinated me because everything actually made sense except the clothesline. I had been worrying about getting my laundry done the day before. I had had a conversation about “favorite clothes” with some one. Earlier that day, there was a violent storm with high winds.

And the apartment was actually mine… You know how you will have a dream that your in your apartment or house, and you know it’s yours, but when you wake up, you realize, “that was nothing like my house, at all.” Well this actually was my apartment, my kitchen window, my gabled roof.

But where did that damned clothesline come from? And why am I so obsessed with my clothes? That really isn’t like me… Perhaps they represented something I was afraid would blow away…

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Jamal

    I think you are not a bad person, I also think you have a strong family ties in your family, but you might have introduced yourself to a new person male/female who has a different views on family.
    However, you must do what you think is best for you and keep close to your family members and if any newcomer invites you to a new thing that you are not sure of you can always take your elderly relatives advice.

  2. Steph Mineart

    It’s funny that I’m getting advice from Jamal on how to interpret dreams, since I’ve never asked for it, and don’t believe dreams actually MEAN anything. Thanks for the rather primitive advice, Jamal. It’s charming and a bit creepy of you.

  3. Jamal

    Steph Mineart,
    Dream of a pure believer is 1 of 46% of prophethood.
    If you are making jokes about your dreams or making things up just to have some fun, then I don’t think you are going to have a happy ending in your life, then again it is up to god to decide how to treat whom.

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