California Legislature Passes Same-Sex Marriage

From the San Francisco Gate:

Sacramento — The state Assembly, in a stunning victory for the gay rights movement, approved a landmark bill allowing same-sex marriage Tuesday night and sent it to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The measure, which passed with no votes to spare, marks the first time that a legislative body in the United States has approved a bill that legalizes gay marriage. Schwarzenegger has not taken an official position on the legislation but has hinted that he would veto it.

Let me point out that this is not an “activist judge” making a decision — this is actually a state legislature, elected by the people, creating the law. This is exactly the will of the people — and the right wing is frothing at the mouth over it. Because when it comes right down to it, they don’t want a democracy, they want a theocracy ruled by religion, and they want to overthrow the American government.

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